And Still The Deception Goes On

Oh, I read it, just see it different than you, you look for faults in everyone.. I don't.. Keep up the good work..

No, you just can't bring yourself to tell the truth, or to say anything negative about Trump. To that end, maybe you will try to explain how this comment of yours "I thought you were talking about the Clintons in this part of your post, This opinion just fits YOUR narrative that's all, You see what you want to see. Lets not count our eggs before they hatch.. already the liberals are backing off the Trump connection to Russia..Go figure." had anything to do with the article I posted, or the topic. Can't do it rationally can you?.
No, you just can't bring yourself to tell the truth, or to say anything negative about Trump. To that end, maybe you will try to explain how this comment of yours "I thought you were talking about the Clintons in this part of your post, This opinion just fits YOUR narrative that's all, You see what you want to see. Lets not count our eggs before they hatch.. already the liberals are backing off the Trump connection to Russia..Go figure." had anything to do with the article I posted, or the topic. Can't do it rationally can you?.
you look for faults in everyone.. I don't.. Keep up the good work.. That's pretty rational..
you look for faults in everyone.. I don't.. Keep up the good work.. That's pretty rational..

Are you kidding me? You don't look for faults in everyone? Then how do you explain that you find NOTHING but fault with just about everyone except for your God Trump?

You are so myopic on your own motivation and behaviour!
Are you kidding me? You don't look for faults in everyone? Then how do you explain that you find NOTHING but fault with just about everyone except for your God Trump?

You are so myopic on your own motivation and behaviour!
Thank you....
It was the biggest, juiciest story of the week, complete with everything that the mainstream media loves to latch onto. Trumps budget kills meals on wheels program.. New jobs would soon be coming available for people willing to push handcarts through towns and cities across the nation, collecting the bodies of starving senior citizens who had fallen victim to the Trump presidency. Heck, I even fell for it myself. After seeing it blasted across social media by so many news outlets it was easy to do. Then came the much less widely reported wrinkle to the story.. IT WASN'T TRUE

Walter Olson at National Review did the work that most of the rest of us apparently forgot about and dug into the details. He explains how Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) actually work and why they aren’t as closely tied to Meals on Wheels as the press (or pork barrel loving politicians) would have you believe.