the left does not want to do something as that would remove an excuse for their existance.If you want to do something about racism in our nation
the left does not want to do something as that would remove an excuse for their existance.If you want to do something about racism in our nation
affirmative action. it assumes blacks cannot compete on an equal basis.I would actually like to see some proof for that comment if it is possible.
affirmative action. it assumes blacks cannot compete on an equal basis.
I would actually like to see some proof for that comment if it is possible.
Afrikan people are an international racial family who share a common: homeland (Afrika), Racial origin, culture, destiny, and a bitter enemy – the white race.
Lyndon B. Johnson... “I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
Harry Truman....“I think one man is just as good as another so long as he’s not a n*gger or a Chinaman."
“Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.”
Louis Farrakhan..." “The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him."
New Black Panther: We Must Create Military To Murder Babies And Skin White People
Homeland Security Employee - who buys guns and ammo for the agency has his own website - here is the juxt of it
Neil Rogers.....(radio host)
“Is you their black-haired answer-mammy who be smart? Does they like how you shine their shoes, Condoleezza?
Mike Wallace, CBS News..."Blacks and Hispanics are “too busy eating watermelons and tacos” to learn how to read and write.”
However, the liberal policies of "institutional racism" is as bad as slavery was 300 years ago.
And the Founders believed them to be 3/5's human. Were they also Democrats, or liberals? Or were they just racists according to your standards?
[Delegates opposed to slavery generally wished to count only the free inhabitants of each state, but delegates supportive of slavery, on the other hand, generally wanted to count slaves in their actual numbers. Since slaves could not vote, slaveholders would thus have the benefit of increased representation in the House and the Electoral College. The final compromise of counting "all other persons" as only three-fifths of their actual numbers reduced the power of the slave states relative to the original southern proposals, but increased it over the northern position.
Then too, who do you think is teaching the children of Republicans to be racists? And don't blame it on the schools.
You know Cruella, I remember debating you back when you were a "liberal", and before the virus in this forum wiped out my laptop, and there were far more people posting in here then. If you look at any of the what used to be the most popular forums for either the left, or the right, they are dying. Lots of members, just very few active posters. Do you think the hate expressed by all for others might have something to do with it?
You skipped my favorite ....Lyndon B. Johnson... “I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
Harry Truman....“I think one man is just as good as another so long as he’s not a n*gger or a Chinaman."
“Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.”
Louis Farrakhan..." “The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him."
New Black Panther: We Must Create Military To Murder Babies And Skin White People
Homeland Security Employee - who buys guns and ammo for the agency has his own website - here is the juxt of it
Neil Rogers.....(radio host)
“Is you their black-haired answer-mammy who be smart? Does they like how you shine their shoes, Condoleezza?
Mike Wallace, CBS News..."Blacks and Hispanics are “too busy eating watermelons and tacos” to learn how to read and write.”
However, the liberal policies of "institutional racism" is as bad as slavery was 300 years ago.
That's your response to what I posted? But since you have, maybe you should investigate the reasons why.
I already know the reasons why, and it was ignorance of the part of the Founders, not to mention politics.
Still, you are ignoring the question. In determining that Blacks were 3/5's human, regardless of the political reasons, were they then either Democrats, or were they liberals?
Remember what the commentator stated:
"If you want to do something about racism in our nation, start by looking at those who ARE racists! Those people are black Democrats, NOT white Conservatives."
Sorry, Slate is a liberal propaganda site that I would never believe as a source for truth.
OK, so in your limited opinion no White "conservatives" are racists, nor are their children.
The only hate I've seen on this site is from those that disagree with conservatives. And you can't remember me when I was a liberal, because I was a conservative long before I ever got my first computer or joined this site.
Good Lord, you must never read the posts of the likes of the TeaBagger.
Now, I believe it was one of your own posts here not too long ago when you spoke of your "conversion", or something of that sort. Was trying to remember what the debate was about. I think it might have been abortion, or God.
Possibly the most sinister part of this video is that just days before Obama gave this race baiting speech in New Orleans taunting the victims of Katrina by suggesting they were not receiving Federal Aid because they were black, Obama had already voted against Aid for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
B. Hussein Obama was among 14 Senators who voted against any Federal Aid for Katrina victims, all Democrats with the exception of 2 Republicans and 1 Independent.
Well ... Looks like you got me there trap ....I find the hypocrisy of both sides laughable. You didn't read the bill he voted against, now did you?
I also found it interesting who voted against it:
Kennedy, Feingold, Boxer, etc., some of the most liberal of Democrats, and then 3 Republicans, not 2 as you declared, one of which is Tom Coburn.
However, this is a great example of why bills should be voted on as one single bill, not a conglomeration of bills put together so the ignorant can then use it as an excuse to denigrate those who vote against the bill by using one small part of the bill.
Whats this? now am I suppose to post he things the Liberals said about Bush? I think we all understand there are idiots on both sides..
We praise the ones on the left????difference is I bitched about the ones on the praise them and try to pretend they don't exist.
As usual, you ignore the actual comment I was referring to. Affirmative Action was started by Nixon I believe, however, it was a reaction to the racism of employers, colleges, etc. There was no "equal" basis just as there is none today when it comes to opportunities for all without wealth regardless of color, etc.
Now, here is the comment I would like to see some proof for:
"If you want to do something about racism in our nation, start by looking at those who ARE racists! Those people are black Democrats, NOT white Conservatives." In fact, I would say the comment itself is racist in nature. It makes the false ASSumption that Black Democrats are racists, and White Republicans (conservatives) are not. Notice that the writer only designated one party as being racist, and then termed the nonRacist as "conservative".
AA came about with JFK executive order 10925 strengthened by LBJ eo 11246. known to be democrats. you asked for proof there kt is.As usual, you ignore the actual comment I was referring to. Affirmative Action was started by Nixon I believe, however, it was a reaction to the racism of employers, colleges, etc. There was no "equal" basis just as there is none today when it comes to opportunities for all without wealth regardless of color, etc.
Now, here is the comment I would like to see some proof for:
"If you want to do something about racism in our nation, start by looking at those who ARE racists! Those people are black Democrats, NOT white Conservatives." In fact, I would say the comment itself is racist in nature. It makes the false ASSumption that Black Democrats are racists, and White Republicans (conservatives) are not. Notice that the writer only designated one party as being racist,
Facts will always be irrelevant to a brainwashed mind .....AA came about with JFK executive order 10925 strengthened by LBJ eo 11246. known to be democrats. you asked for proof there kt is.