Another lie from Biden or more dementia problems

I don't care if Mickey mouse was POTUS. Anything is better than Trump. I also enjoy seeing you literally cringe at the mere thought of him.
It makes my day. So issue all your insults you want, it doesn't matter. He is the POTUS and Trump isn't.
Lol and neither will be again and your to stupid to understand that
How can democrats say dementia lying Biden is presidential material with his record of mental blunders and lies .
Lol seriously only a idiot would biden and his delusional comments
I think they assume BHO is behind the curtain and is in some kind of control over Joe, enough freedom to give Joe the feeling he is POTUS, but if things got REALLY BAD, Obama would intervene.

That may be one of many people's beliefs.

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Yes and heres another great lie form lying biden but I have to post the entire article as it requires some explaining and shows how far joe will go.
Its close to stilen valor if you ask me
I don't care if Mickey mouse was POTUS. Anything is better than Trump. I also enjoy seeing you literally cringe at the mere thought of him.
It makes my day. So issue all your insults you want, it doesn't matter. He is the POTUS and Trump isn't.
Well you got your wish a far left socialist anti american with mental issues and a lying machine good job boris
Well you got your wish a far left socialist anti american with mental issues and a lying machine good job boris

far left anti-american socialist? you think that's..biden?
my god you get dumber every day.

Over his career, Biden has generally been regarded as belonging to the mainstream of the Democratic Party.[5][6] Biden has been described as center[7] to center-left[8] and has described himself as such.
far left anti-american socialist? you think that's..biden?
my god you get dumber every day.

Over his career, Biden has generally been regarded as belonging to the mainstream of the Democratic Party.[5][6] Biden has been described as center[7] to center-left[8] and has described himself as such.
Look at his radical policies.

"After campaigning as a moderate and promising to bring normalcy and bipartisanship back to Washington, Mr. Biden has governed from the far left. He now blames Republicans for not endorsing Bernie Sanders-style policies simply because Mr. Biden is the one offering them. When 10 moderate Republican senators offered to approve over $600 billion in additional COVID assistance, including funding for vaccines, direct payments and enhanced unemployment benefits, Mr. Biden refused to engage with them and chose instead to use a partisan reconciliation process to push through a $1.9 trillion bill."

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Seriously how long will it take ALL democrats to finally man up and say hey he is not right in the head and cant get right .
Quote the Raving, "Nevermore"

A Republican leader and a Democratic leader had an interview with God.

"How long," asked the Republican, "would it take to have full employment under a Republican Administration?"

"Not in your lifetime," answered God.

The Democrat's turn: "How long would it take to have freedom under the Democrats?"

"Not in My lifetime," answered God.
How can democrats say dementia lying Biden is presidential material with his record of mental blunders and lies .
Lol seriously only a idiot would biden and his delusional comments
Whatever Happened to "If You Don't Work, You Don't Eat"?

When getting Free Stuff, no moocher questions the mental state of the person giving the handouts. In fact, the nuttier the better. I told a panhandler to quit bothering people, and he actually said it was his right as an American to do just that.
Look at his radical policies.

"After campaigning as a moderate and promising to bring normalcy and bipartisanship back to Washington, Mr. Biden has governed from the far left. He now blames Republicans for not endorsing Bernie Sanders-style policies simply because Mr. Biden is the one offering them. When 10 moderate Republican senators offered to approve over $600 billion in additional COVID assistance, including funding for vaccines, direct payments and enhanced unemployment benefits, Mr. Biden refused to engage with them and chose instead to use a partisan reconciliation process to push through a $1.9 trillion bill."

You are always misinformed. No one should pay any attention to you.

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