Another leftist media liar forced to apologize for brazenly lying about President Trump

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Let me know when the gop potus candidate apologizes for his anti American lies about the stolen election
PBS is small potatoes in comparison
Let me know when the gop potus candidate apologizes for his anti American lies about the stolen election
PBS is small potatoes in comparison
We are still waiting for even one democrat politician to condemn the brutal Palestinian murders of innocent Israeli and American citizens out of hatred fueled by demonic Islamic religious bigotry.
We are still waiting for even one democrat politician to condemn the brutal Palestinian murders of innocent Israeli and American citizens out of hatred fueled by demonic Islamic religious bigotry.
Prove none did, lying moooron
Trump does not want to see Biden successfully get a cease fire. He wants chaos, so he can rant against it.
The end to the border crisis would be to pass the bipartisan bill, and Trump has ordered his puppets to refuse to even vote on it, because he wants chaos. Trump only wants to be elected, so he can avoid the prison sentence he ever so richly deserves.
Trump does not want to see Biden successfully get a cease fire. He wants chaos, so he can rant against it.
The end to the border crisis would be to pass the bipartisan bill, and Trump has ordered his puppets to refuse to even vote on it, because he wants chaos. Trump only wants to be elected, so he can avoid the prison sentence he ever so richly deserves.
Dems set up the border bill perfectly to put against republicans knowing it would be declined. Dems can give a shit. People that have done horrific crimes are here from 2021 and 2022!! Waiting until election time. How fucking stupid you are! Harris states last night she warned Ukraine of Russia but they held weapons! All a money in pocket and thousands killed there and no one seems to care! Israel will defend themselves and trump wants them to. Palestinians are Hamas and if you think they care what flag one hold here in America, especially pride flags, they can care less! They torture gays! They hate America! On Oct 7 they stated death to Israel and America!!! If you think Trump wants that and you think that what Trump is so called guilty of, many, MANY will be revealed! Trump was a citizen before he ran that all of those politicians licked his ass for money!
If I cease fire happens now, it will be for this Election, (before) to make Harris look great, not for Trump or the people! Do you know WHY??? Do you??
And Harris stays in, a war like never before! Save your money! You’ll need it!
It would have still allowed thousands per day! Read! Under an executive order they could choose to stop it at Presidents order! Duh the word people use here, the President of the United States did not need a damn bill! They set this all up and care only for future votes.
No ID required to vote! There ya go!

What This Bill Would Do
A “Border Emergency Authority” Adding a New, Restrictive, and Opaque Process until Border Crossings Reach Very Low Levels

The “trigger” authority—called the “Border Emergency Authority”—would enable the administration to summarily deport migrants who enter between ports of entry without permitting them to apply for asylum.

The new emergency authority could be activated if border “encounters” reach a daily average of 4,000 over a period of seven days and would become mandatory once border encounters reach over 5,000 over a period of seven days or 8,500 over a single calendar day. However, there are several other rules governing the use of the emergency authority, rendering it much less straightforward than the simple mathematics of crossings (for example, the so-called “discretionary” authority at the 4,000/day level would in fact be mandatory for the first 90 days at that level after passage). In addition, the bill defines “encounters” to exclude apprehensions of unaccompanied migrant children.

The bill gives the federal government significant discretion over exactly when to implement this new emergency summary-deportation process and does not require it to be publicly announced. The upshot is this: on any given day, a would-be asylum seeker would have no idea whether they would be allowed to seek asylum in the U.S. or not. The government would be allowed to opt people out of summary removal for a variety of reasons, including operational constraints such as overcrowding. Non-Mexican unaccompanied children would also be exempted. Those set for summary removal could receive a screening for non-asylum humanitarian protection by affirmatively “manifesting” fear of persecution or torture to a border official—volunteering without prompting that they fear return or showing an obvious sign of fear.

People summarily deported under this authority could be sent to their home countries, or if the Mexican government is willing to accept them, sent to Mexico instead. A second deportation under emergency authority would trigger a one-year bar from obtaining a visa.

Crucially, the emergency authority does not “close” or “shut down” the border. It does not prevent unauthorized migration entirely: legislation cannot physically prevent people from crossing between ports of entry at all (it can only assess consequences for what happens after). Furthermore, the bill requires the government to allow people to seek asylum at ports of entry even during a border emergency and requires the government to maintain capacity for 1,400 daily entries in this manner—ensuring that asylum will not be wholly unavailable.
No one is going to shut down the most often crossed border on this planet.
The bill should have been passed, and was not, because it would have been EFFECTIVE.
No one is going to shut down the most often crossed border on this planet.
The bill should have been passed, and was not, because it would have been EFFECTIVE.
Trump did not have the border shut down border! They vetted people coming in the right way! You did not read it and you hate Trump so why do I waste my breath. Yes people are welcome here, the right way! My grandfather was from Spain and grandmother from Italy. They came here the right way! If you do not understand what I’m trying to say, yes you will say I’m the ignorant one!
Other countries should not be allowed to empty their prisons and send them here.
Trump does not want to see Biden successfully get a cease fire. He wants chaos, so he can rant against it.
The end to the border crisis would be to pass the bipartisan bill, and Trump has ordered his puppets to refuse to even vote on it, because he wants chaos. Trump only wants to be elected, so he can avoid the prison sentence he ever so richly deserves.
What Trump wants is a matter of opinions that do not matter.
No one is going to shut down the most often crossed border on this planet.
The bill should have been passed, and was not, because it would have been EFFECTIVE.
Nobody is going to stop Democrats from ushering into the US hundreds of thousands of US welfare recipient illegal immigrants and registering them to vote Democrat.
Trump did not have the border shut down border! They vetted people coming in the right way! You did not read it and you hate Trump so why do I waste my breath. Yes people are welcome here, the right way! My grandfather was from Spain and grandmother from Italy. They came here the right way! If you do not understand what I’m trying to say, yes you will say I’m the ignorant one!
Other countries should not be allowed to empty their prisons and send them here.

What Trump wants is a matter of opinions that do not matter.
What Trump wants will not matter unless he is elected.
This is looking less likely each and every day.

No one can come here like your grandfather and grandmother did. No one can come "the right way" any longer.

No country is sending convicts or mental patients here, that is crap Trump made up. He lies all the time.