It has lots of problems. Those problems do not include people who do not have access to health care because they do not exist.
I didn't have to even go past your first sentence.

This first line you keep repeating ad nauseam is a false spin on the truth or at the very least an intentional deception in regard to the reality of healthcare. It has been shown time after time in independent clinical studies right here on this board... I've posted at least 2 myself that people die due to lack of adequate insurance & healthcare right here in America.
Yes anyone on their death bed can be taken to an Emergency Room and get some care. That is not Healthcare. That is emergency care. There is a huge difference and every single person in this word knows that.
The studies don't lie.
Study links 45,000 U.S. deaths to lack of insurance
Sunday, 13 Sep 2009 By Susan Heavey
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nearly 45,000 people die in the United States each year -- one every 12 minutes -- in large part because they lack health insurance and can not get good care, Harvard Medical School researchers found in an analysis released on Thursday.
"We're losing more Americans every day because of inaction ... than drunk driving and homicide combined," Dr. David Himmelstein, a co-author of the study and an associate professor of medicine at Harvard, said in an interview with Reuters...
20,000 Americans Die Each Year Due To Lack Of Healthcare
Christy Hardin Smith Thursday April 2, 2009
From the Frontline documentary "Sick Around America:
According to a study by the National Academy of Sciences, around 20,000 Americans die each year because they can’t get the healthcare they need.
You cannot reform medical care and coverage without (a) covering everyone and (b) controlling costs. But how you get from here to there? That’s the bazillion dollar question.
Especially within a system where insurance companies make their profits from denying coverage and sustaining the status quo by trying to make it nearly impossible to change anything without a massive disruption for everyone involved. What’s the bottom line at this point?...