Another biden record

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
4.62 a gallon national average yet another biden record.
You liberals recall how I said biden releasing a million barrels of oil a day wouldn't help and was a waste of time and just reduce our reserve and cost a ton more to replace .
Told you so.
But dont worry joe will beat his own record.
Joes oil and energy policies started this and he will just screw it up more .

Thats right joe blame putin blame trump blame bog oil blame the station owners blame republicans.
Blame every one but yourself. And you wonder why your approval rating is the lowest of any president in decades .
Go joe go keep breaking records and screwing America .
does the phrase "get a life" mean anything to you? lol
Why yes im means Im pissing off A liberals who claims hes a independent by spreading the truth.
Old joe os on a roll !!!!! Hes been breaking record inflation fuel and food prices and poll numbers . EVERY week or 2 some times from day to day.
I find it Amazing hes screwing America and is so low in the polls there are people who still support him.
Some people just love suffering
does the phrase "get a life" mean anything to you? lol
Gas prices broke yet another record today 4.95 a gallon national average. joes breaking records pretty well weekly now . go Brandon go no wonder democrats love your record setting
He should top 5.00 a gallon by the end of the week. The poor must love you with gas and food prices skyrocketing inflation rising and your poll numbers at record low. Your policies are amazing.
4.62 a gallon national average yet another biden record.
You liberals recall how I said biden releasing a million barrels of oil a day wouldn't help and was a waste of time and just reduce our reserve and cost a ton more to replace .
Told you so.
But dont worry joe will beat his own record.
Joes oil and energy policies started this and he will just screw it up more .

Thats right joe blame putin blame trump blame bog oil blame the station owners blame republicans.
Blame every one but yourself. And you wonder why your approval rating is the lowest of any president in decades .
Go joe go keep breaking records and screwing America .
Your ignorance of international energy is breathtaking. Biden does not have control over gas prices and if he did you would be screaming about communism in the wh.
If there was a goat herders strike in Mongolia you would blame him for it.
I think its basically you hate democrats.
Bruh thats Russia not Biden, Russia is refusing to give out gas

Stop watching CNN. Average gas prices before Putin's invasion were $3.52 over a dollar more than when Biden took office. It was $2.42 when Biden took office.

What do you mean "refusing to give out gas"? Fossil fuels are almost 2/3 of Russian exports and account for 45% of tax receipts. If he stops giving out gas as you say their economy collapses.
FYI oil production has never been that bad under Biden because(Thank goodness) a president has little control over drilling and exploration outside of federal lands.

Production this year is expected to average 11.8m barrels a day which is historically very high. Next year we are expected to be over 12m barrels which is pre covid levels.