Another assault on the US rule of law by a wannabe tinpot fascist Democrat dictator

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Modern Democrats have become radically un-American and tyrannical. Regardless of the fact she had no right to assume the authority to do so, the faithful crooked Democrat Maine Secretary of State unilaterally decided to remove Trump from the state primary ballot because he is allegedly a threat to black supremacy and Democrat domination in crooked elections. That's what deranged Democrat devotees do, trash the law under the deceptive false claim of protecting America from those who trash the law.

Maine Democrat who barred Trump from ballot met with Biden twice, called Electoral College 'white supremacy' ( 12-29-23
Maine Democrat who barred Trump from ballot met with Biden twice, called Electoral College 'white supremacy'

The Maine official who moved to disqualify former President Donald Trump from the state's 2024 Republican primary ballot on Thursday visited the White House this year to meet with President Biden and previously referred to the Electoral College as a "relic of white supremacy."
Modern Democrats have become radically un-American and tyrannical. Regardless of the fact she had no right to assume the authority to do so, the faithful crooked Democrat Maine Secretary of State unilaterally decided to remove Trump from the state primary ballot because he is allegedly a threat to black supremacy and Democrat domination in crooked elections. That's what deranged Democrat devotees do, trash the law under the deceptive false claim of protecting America from those who trash the law.

Maine Democrat who barred Trump from ballot met with Biden twice, called Electoral College 'white supremacy' ( 12-29-23
Maine Democrat who barred Trump from ballot met with Biden twice, called Electoral College 'white supremacy'

The Maine official who moved to disqualify former President Donald Trump from the state's 2024 Republican primary ballot on Thursday visited the White House this year to meet with President Biden and previously referred to the Electoral College as a "relic of white supremacy."
Nope because of the 14th ***** lol
This brainwashed leftist woman stupidly imagines the 14th Amendment is grounds for her slander of Americans throughout history who crafted and supported the Electoral College?
Colorado agrees too
It's not just her ***** lol
Colorado agrees too
It's not just her ***** lol
Three radical leftist devotees of the New Leftist Socialist Fascist Democrat oligarchy took it upon themselves to deny the rights of Colorado residents to vote for Trump if they chose to do so, in spite of the fact that Trump has not been convicted of any crime for which they allege he deserves to be removed.
Three radical leftist devotees of the New Leftist Socialist Fascist Democrat oligarchy took it upon themselves to deny the rights of Colorado residents to vote for Trump if they chose to do so, in spite of the fact that Trump has not been convicted of any crime for which they allege he deserves to be removed.
So you admit it isn't just this woman who references the US constitution
Dem Pretenders are trying to get national attention because they know that Joe is in the hot-seat and won't actually last long enough to run in fall, he'll fall first. Then a pair of somebodys will have to run and one will necessarily be a far left woman/queer/favored minority (certainly not Oriental, -the left does have limits after all!). Claudine Gay could be a Trifecta! So, goofballs from shore to shore, from every Dem sewer and snakepit, from every shithouse and whorehouse they come a-callin', ME! ME! LOOK AT ME! It's going to get worse.
So you admit it isn't just this woman who references the US constitution
The whole of the Democrat party trashes the Constitution and tramples on the rights of Americans when they deem that necessary to defend the 'right' of Democrats to maintain their illegitimate stranglehold on political power.
This brainwashed leftist woman stupidly imagines the 14th Amendment is grounds for her slander of Americans throughout history who crafted and supported the Electoral College?
If she disobeyed the law would you get upset also?

It wouldn't matter what she did you would disagree
The whole of the Democrat party trashes the Constitution and tramples on the rights of Americans when they deem that necessary to defend the 'right' of Democrats to maintain their illegitimate stranglehold on political power.

more right wing word salad nonsense. lol.
If she disobeyed the law would you get upset also?

It wouldn't matter what she did you would disagree
The radical leftist Demnocrat groupie had no legal authority to ban Trump from the ballot, revealing her to be an illegitimate fascist wannabe dictator over the people of Maine.
The reason we have so many courts and so many decisions overturned by courts is because just because one political party hack decides to do something on his or her own does not mean it is just, right, or legal.
Here we go again. It's those democrats again especially when it doesn't suit you. I didn't see that coming .