And If The Water Dries Up?

Normal is what the flora and fauna have evolved to live in...and such evolution didn't happen in the past few decades....and again...bark beetles are the main bane of the pines...along with misuse of the water resources....there is no drought.
There is no drought.
You must be one of those San Francisco liberals who vote against any and all water projects, but who have no idea of the needs of agriculture in the great Central Valley.
I'm really not sure where you live, but it must not be anywhere in the Sierras or the valley.

Oh, those bark beetles? They attack trees, the trees succumb when they're already weakened by something, like for example, drought. Now, would you like to expand on your statement about the pines and firs not being native to the Sierras?

Oh, and maybe you'd like to give us your version of why California is running out of water, if you acknowledge that it is.

This is the result of drought. The trees you see are native to the Sierras.:

I am actually watching a little documentary like thing right now on the rising levels of the oceans and the impact it is having, and this stuff is pretty disturbing. I am not one of those people who is an activist or anything like that, but I like getting all the information I can and when it comes to the climate, things are not looking too good right about now.
There is really no "decision" to be made. Either there is a drought or there is not a drought....what you "decide" is meaningless to the actual state of things. The fact is that if the native flora and fauna are thriving, then there is no drought....simple as that. Now one can "decide" to ignore the facts in favor of whatever pseudoscience one favors and "believe" whatever one chooses to believe, but that decision is completely divorced from reality. If one can't simply look at the most basic facts regarding a situation and come to a conclusion based on those facts....why bother....and in this case, the basic facts are that the native flora and fauna have spent a great long time evolving to live in certain conditions...and when claims of drought...or drought disaster....or worst drought EVAH are being made and the local flora and fauna are carrying on in a business as usual manner...then the claims are clearly bullshit. Believe what you like....decide what you like...but the facts speak for themselves.

Hey Pale Rider, climate change is REAL, wont you just accept it already ;)

By the way Pale Rider, I created a new abortion thread that I would love to get your response and feedback on:

This thread was mainly created to defeat ALL of the scientific arguments you have made in the past and show you why SCIENCE clearly supports the pro-choice position.

Hey Pale Rider, climate change is REAL, wont you just accept it already ;)

By the way Pale Rider, I created a new abortion thread that I would love to get your response and feedback on:

This thread was mainly created to defeat ALL of the scientific arguments you have made in the past and show you why SCIENCE clearly supports the pro-choice position.


How does science support the extermination of a living being with a separate DNA from that of the carrier/host, and was not involved in its own creation?
Hey Pale Rider, climate change is REAL, wont you just accept it already ;)

By the way Pale Rider, I created a new abortion thread that I would love to get your response and feedback on:

This thread was mainly created to defeat ALL of the scientific arguments you have made in the past and show you why SCIENCE clearly supports the pro-choice position.

Pale rider will never accept that climate change is real. Never. Forget about that. When something is posted that he simply can't refute, such as the pines and firs dying in the Sierra being native to that area, he simply goes away.

California just passed through five drought years. Whether 2017 will end it remains to be seen. Whether the drought does or does not relate in some way to AGW remains to be seen. The fact is, the snowpack on which cities and agriculture depend, has been below normal for several years. Donald Trump saying that California isn't having a drought didn't make it rain. Go figure.
Pale rider will never accept that climate change is real. Never. Forget about that. When something is posted that he simply can't refute, such as the pines and firs dying in the Sierra being native to that area, he simply goes away.

Climate change is real...always has been...always will made climate change is a fraud...not the first piece of observed, measured, quantified, empirical data supporting AGW over natural variability.