An example of why Creationism is not science


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010

From the article:

"Evolution cannot explain the most basic question about how a simple
protein like insulin could have first been formed. "Simple" is a
relative term: insulin is composed of 51 amino acids and has a
molecular weight of 5808. Water is just 18. You can boil the primeval
molecular broth for an awful long time and put it under enormous
pressures, but you will not spontaneously create an insulin molecule,
never mind one of the titin molecules, that have a molecular mass of
almost 3,000,000 and a total length of almost 27,000 amino acids.

Saying that such immensely complex, artfully constructed creations
were the result of accidents is like putting 140 pounds of mince into
a huge mixer, churning them around for a million years and expecting
Einstein to result. You wouldn't even get Wayne Rooney's mickey.

Ok, I'll bite. Aside from the fact that the theory of evolution says nothing about the conditions in which life first got started on Earth, there is no scientific evidence or even a theory proposed that suggests that insulin first formed anywhere except inside already formed cells. It just boggles the mind why these people even bother trying to make these ridiculous arguments.
Ok, I'll bite. Aside from the fact that the theory of evolution says nothing about the conditions in which life first got started on Earth, there is no scientific evidence or even a theory proposed that suggests that insulin first formed anywhere except inside already formed cells. It just boggles the mind why these people even bother trying to make these ridiculous arguments.

Even more basic questions, the most basic questions also go unanswered by those who subscribe to evolutionary theory in its entirety.
A theory can become a fact by demonstrating that it is a phenomenon that can be repeated.

It was once a theory that heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones.

Then someone discovered that air slows down feathers much more than it does anvils, by testing this theory in a vacuum.
And now we all know that all things fall at the same rate, unless slowed down by the atmosphere.