American Spectator attacks Palin's daughter


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
This is good stuff..the right wing eating their own.

"Since the McCain campaign has released a statement declaring that 17-year-old Bristol Palin now faces "the responsibilities of adulthood," might I be so bold as to suggest that they arrange a press conference where Bristol can attempt to address the horrible embarrassment she's caused her parents?Excuse my paternal (and political) indignation but I am in no mood for pleas that the media respect anyone's privacy at this point. I don't think it an exaggeration to say that this girl (and her boyfriend) have caused a crisis of global significance, and if her parents are serious about "the responsibilities of adulthood," Bristol ought to face the consequences, including about 45 minutes in front of the klieg lights while reporters shout stupid questions.
It's not Bristol's fault her mother was picked as the GOP running mate, but she certainly should have understood how her personal behavior would reflect on her family."
situation getting more "complicated "each day....


Palin’s Teen Daughter Is Pregnant; New G.O.P. Tumult
Published: September 1, 2008
ST. PAUL — The 17-year-old daughter of Gov. Sarah Palin, John McCain’s running mate, is five months pregnant, Ms. Palin announced today, adding a new element of tumult to a Republican convention that had already been disrupted by Hurricane Gustav.

The daughter, Bristol, plans to marry the father, the statement issued by Governor Palin and her husband said.

“Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned” Ms. Palin’s statement said. “As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows that she has our unconditional love and support.”

The announcement was intended to counter rumors by liberal bloggers that Ms. Palin had claimed to have given birth to her fifth child in April when, according to the rumors, the child was her daughter’s.

Groups that oppose abortion rights had been thrilled with Mr. McCain’s selection of Ms. Palin, the governor of Alaska, as his running mate, partly because of her opposition to abortion. It is not clear how social conservatives will respond to the latest news.

Steve Schmidt, the chief strategist for the McCain campaign, was surrounded by reporters and cameras as he walked through the media center next door to the Xcel Center in St. Paul, where the convention is taking place. Asked over and over when and how Mr. McCain found out about Bristol’s pregnancy, he repeated, “Senator McCain was aware” of it and called it “a private family matter,” He would not say when he found out or how, calling it a “private conversation.”

“The fact is, John McCain had a thorough search and made the decision to add Sarah Palin to the ticket because he believes,” he said, that she “will change America.”

He said how big this becomes depends upon the media. “I think the American people will see this news and they’d have good wishes for the young lady and they’ll respect the privacy of the family,” he said.

Asked if Ms. Palin will be able to judge the demands of the vice-presidency with her complicated family life, Mr. Schmidt said, “She’s been a very effective governor and again I can’t imagine that question being asked of a man.”


Popeye: as long as the RW eats their own, the left's work is done for them. ;-)

according to Hollywood and its superficial role modelling......... "teen " pregnancies are the "in " thing.
This is good stuff..the right wing eating their own.

You point to a BLOGGER and a blogpost as proof of the "Right wing eating their own" and I'm sure you think highly of yourself for doing so.

What you FAIL to understand is that the Right will criticize their own in hopes of getting better leadership... In the mean time... you robots for the Left refuse to acknowledge ANY shortcoming on your side.. ever.. and without any concern for where such blind obedience will lead you. That or... you know exactly where it will lead you and thats exactly what you want.
the Right will criticize their own in hopes of getting better leadership...


Don't think either party is all that self analytical /critical ......but each plays the game of condemning the other.
This is one of the reason I find it abhorent that the family and especially the kids are paraded in front of the press and in front of conference -

absolutely ! but ain't that the "american way".? ...........where politics and soap opera/ tabloid style merge..:(

Just think........ she has barely been "selected". The barracudas are circling.....
Don't think either party is all that self analytical /critical ......but each plays the game of condemning the other.

Listen up Shadi... When Republicans are "bad" they get removed from power. (Cue Popeye and the obligatory mention of Larry Craig) Democrats cannot say that about their own party... Name some specific examples of where Democrats were "bad" and their own party ran them out of office.

You cannot. So to shift attention from that sad reality, you pretend like Republicans are no better... without proof.
an aside: But welcome Shadi to the forum. Have not met him yet.....but new blood is always welcome.


Democrats cannot say that about their own party...

LOL........ perhaps they don't have to.
Maybe it is a question of degree of corruption involved. Corrupt politics has become the "norm"......... as the past eight yrs have shown.

In reality, one party is not any better than the other. One is just more overtly aggressive and courrupt. And that speaks to the USG in general.
Maybe it is a question of degree of corruption involved. Corrupt politics has become the "norm"......... as the past eight yrs have shown.

In reality, one party is not any better than the other. One is just more overtly aggressive and courrupt. And that speaks to the USG in general.

So you have nothing of substance to add, as usual... just more assertions tainted by your Socialist dogma.

One party is better than the other ONE party kicks its corrupt officials OUT the other gives them cover, lets them keep their jobs and pushes for them to be reelected.

One is more overtly aggressive and Corrupt, the one with the (D), because they never remove these people from their party - They promote them.
Popeye: as long as the RW eats their own, the left's work is done for them. ;-)

It makes me sick to think that people out there are gloating over this poor girl's national humiliation.

The way I see it, there are three choices: 1) Blame her for doing what she did; 2) Blame Mom for accepting the veep nomination with the knowledge that her daughter's pregnancy would eventually come to light and be subjected to international media coverage; or 3) Blame society in general and those who wish to exploit the situation in particular for taking what is in essence a private family matter and making a whole big national deal out of it.

Personally, I'd go with number three.

To all the men and women out there who are sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying the mess this whole thing has become, I hope you're ashamed of yourselves. If you're finding some pleasure, or any positive feeling really, in the national embarrassment of a 17-year-old girl, then you do not deserve to call yourself a liberal.
It makes me sick to think that people out there are gloating over this poor girl's national humiliation.

The way I see it, there are three choices: 1) Blame her for doing what she did; 2) Blame Mom for accepting the veep nomination with the knowledge that her daughter's pregnancy would eventually come to light and be subjected to international media coverage; or 3) Blame society in general and those who wish to exploit the situation in particular for taking what is in essence a private family matter and making a whole big national deal out of it.

Personally, I'd go with number three.

To all the men and women out there who are sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying the mess this whole thing has become, I hope you're ashamed of yourselves. If you're finding some pleasure, or any positive feeling really, in the national embarrassment of a 17-year-old girl, then you do not deserve to call yourself a liberal.

I actually think that this is not going to hurt McCain/Palin at all among the religious right.

I agree with you that people attacking for this is a shame, but sadly is part of life and politics it would seem.
I actually think that this is not going to hurt McCain/Palin at all among the religious right.

I agree with you that people attacking for this is a shame, but sadly is part of life and politics it would seem.

I don't think this is going to hurt him with anyone.

The vile left who are attacking her for the most stupid of reasons would never vote for her anyways, the middle are normal people they will vote for or against her based on normal things

the right will be happy that she is not hypocritical and abort her own baby or force her daughter to do same.

the more I hear about her the more I like and respect her.

I finally have something Obama said that I can agree with. This is a 17 year old kid and a personal issue and people should leave her alone.
But his bots are not listening, neither are his guests on the talk shows. so it must be just words...