America the Gutless

If there were WMD the US Government would be parading them in triumph.

I would have thought that was obvious.

Also, they wouldn't have needed to change the story to regime change.

Clearly there is no point discussing this with most of the neo-cons posting on this board as you seem incapable of accepting anything negative about the Bush administration.

Winston Churchill said that the strongest argument against democracy is five minutes with the average voter. I think he had you in mind.

The FACT that we HAVE found WMD's in Iraq has been all over EVERY major news agency since 2003! Just because you've had your head shoved in the sand (or perhaps somewhere else?), and obviously haven't been paying attention, in no way means that it didn't happen.

Oh, and from the blatant moonbattery you've been slinging, PM Churchill was talking about YOU!
Plainspeaker, neither one of you has the first clue WTF you're talking about, you have both routinely 'invented' your 'truths', and done nothing but repeat the well discredited talking points of the American Yellowbellied Libtard. It wouldn't matter to you if we were able to prove that Saddam was literally sitting on top of a dozen 5 Megaton thermonuclear weapons, and 100 tons of VX......
Uhhhhhhhhh.....didn't your boys (in the Whitehouse) already have a shot-at-that? :rolleyes:

9/9/2002 - "These concerns are almost exclusively technical in nature and do not overcome the reality that Iraq, during nearly seven years of continuous inspection activity by the United Nations, had been certified as being disarmed to a 90 percent to 95 percent level....."

He warned that if the United States unilaterally launches any military action against Iraq, it would "forever change the political dynamic which has governed the world since the end of the second World War, namely the foundation of international law as set forth in the United Nations charter, which calls for the peaceful resolution of problems between nations."
Everyone knows the history of how we supported the efforts of Bin Laden to rid the country of Soviets. It was the correct choice at the time.
Yeah......and, we did a great-job (after That One), as well. :rolleyes:

"During their 10 year occupation of the country, more than 1 million Afghans were killed, mostly by aerial bombardments. The U.S. had little overall interests in Afghanistan until the Soviets moved into the region. For their part, the CIA organized and trained many of the Mujahidin (or jihad) as opposition fighters. Ultimately, under the 1988 Geneva Accords, the Soviets agreed to remove all troops by February, 1989. Once the Soviets withdrew, US interests also dwindled. Rather than helping with reconstruction, the US handed over the interests of the country to its allies: Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
Uhhhhhhhhh.....didn't your boys (in the Whitehouse) already have a shot-at-that? :rolleyes:

Quoting Scott Ritter? Are you completely mental? He's been so completely discredited that it's not even funny!

It was HE who, in an interview with Elizabeth Farnsworth[/quote] on Jim Lehrers show in 1998 stated "Iraq can in a very short period of time measure the months, reconstitute chemical biological weapons, long-range ballistic missiles to deliver these weapons, and even certain aspects of their nuclear weaponization program."

Once he resigned though, and found out that he could make a living on the talk show circuit and by writing books aimed at mindless moonbats (like you), he immediately began contradicting himself! In his little fiction entitled "War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn’t Want You To Know" he did a complete about face on everything that he had been telling the UN and the US government about Iraq's WMD program. In case you missed it, he sold his soul so that he could make money off of the ***** loonatic left fringe.

He was the one claiming in March of '03 that we'd not only never take Baghdad, but that we'd end up being driven out of Iraq with our tails between our legs. His direct quote on a [url=,6119,2-10-1460_1338708,00.html]Portugese radio program[/quote] was:
Well, the last time I checked, it's now October of '08, and not only DID we take Baghdad, and not only did we NOT leave with our tails tucked between our legs, we're STILL THERE!

Everything that nutball has said has been wrong from the word go, and it appears that you're in the same boat with him.
Mr Carpenter, if you believe WMD have been found in Iraq then there is nothing I can say except to offer my sympathy to you.

I did not realise that self delusion on this scale was really possible

If there had been WMD found Bush and Blair et al would be off the hook and maybe Bush would have spared us that extraordinary scene where he looked under his desk for them.

Also, there would be no need for talk of bad intel as it would have been good intel.

BTW your aggression only makes your arguments look even more desperate. Try to control yourself.
Mt Carpenter, if you believe WMD have been found in Iraq then there is nothing I can say except to offer my sympathy to you.

I did not realise that self delusion on this scale was really possible

If there had been WMD found Bush and Blair et al would be off the hook and maybe Bush would have spared us that extraordinary scene where he looked under his desk for them.

Also, there would be no need for talk of bad intel as it would have been good intel.

Plainspeaker, you've just earned a new nickname, SH!TTALKER!

I just posted 7 links in post #105 of this thread to articles from FoxNews, CNN, WorldnetDaily, The Washington Post, and USA Today where THEY reported WMD's that have been found in Iraq. Now is it your contention that the ENTIRE worlds press lied about that, or are you just willfully STUPID?

No, the only "delusional" ones here are you and your moonbat buddies who steadfastly refuse to acknowledge facts and evidence. You choose instead to run around in your own little world where facts and evidence mean nothing, and only feelings and beliefs count, which BTW is the classic definition of DELUSIONAL.
LOL I'm not loyal to Bush. He has done many things I don't agree with, and have stated so. That doesn't change the fact WMDs were found in Iraq.
Welllllllllll, c'mon.....we knew what was DELIVERED, in the mid-'80s.....but, even those were destroyed.

September 8, 2002 - "The shipments to Iraq went on even after Saddam Hussein ordered the gassing of the Kurdish town of Halabja, in which at least 5000 men, women and children died. The atrocity, which shocked the world, took place in March 1988, but a month later the components and materials of weapons of mass destruction were continuing to arrive in Baghdad...

The UN's former co-ordinator in Iraq and former UN under-secretary general, Count Hans von Sponeck, has also told the Sunday Herald that he believes the West is lying about Iraq's weapons program.

Von Sponeck visited the Al-Dora and Faluja factories near Baghdad in 1999 after they were 'comprehensively trashed' on the orders of UN inspectors, on the grounds that they were suspected of being chemical weapons plants. He returned to the site late in July this year, with a German TV crew, and said both plants were still wrecked.

'We filmed the evidence of the dishonesty of the claims that they were producing chemical and biological weapons,' von Sponeck has told the Sunday Herald. 'They are indeed in the same destroyed state which we witnessed in 1999. There was no trace of any resumed activity at all.'"
Welllllllllll, c'mon.....we knew what was DELIVERED, in the mid-'80s.....but, even those were destroyed.


Those items were shipped to Iraq from the CDC to their MEDICAL departments in order for them to develop antidotes because of the fact that IRAN had used WMD's against Iraq.


OH, and while you're at it, go back and read the information linked in POST #105 OF THIS THREAD
The United States rarely gets involved for purely humanitarian reasons. Somalia was really the only case of that......
At least, that's what "They say.....", right? :rolleyes:

"Officially, the Administration and the State Department insist that the U.S. military mission in Somalia is strictly humanitarian."

"Bush Senior went into Somalia with 20 thousand US troops in December, 1992 when he had been defeated in his re-election bid by Bill Clinton and was a lame-duck President. Why such a major overseas undertaking by an outgoing president was a question that perplexed many. His excuse was that US was in Somalia on a humanitarian mission to beef up the UN effort to stave off a bloodbath from civil war and anarchy."