Alito’s LOSING IT!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2022
"I would just add that this is entirely predictable from somebody who has proven, day after day after day, that he doesnt believe reality. Justice Alito is at a place where he thinks the entire Justice Department is going after Trump and Jan. 6 insurrectionists because they’re witch-hunters. He believes the media is a bunch of liars and the world is out to get him. He believes the insurrectionist flag is benign, a foam finger that screams “Go George Washington.”

So yes, it’s entirely
predictable that somebody like Alito would bend every single fact to conform with their own reality. That he would be the “I did my own research” justice. It’s really cognitively frightening, separate and aside from the politics of it. This is mistrust of every institution, materialized as a human being who decides the cases that control our lives."
Alito is a boring old fart that could not be elected for any office.
Thomas loves being bribed. It allows him to live like an elite member of the mega rich.