Well-Known Member
We do have snake warnings in all the parks here in California. Our rattlers are black diamondbacks and a bite will result in 1 week in the hospital and you could lose a leg. We also have mountain lion warnings. Our mountain lions are the land version of a Florida gator. Normally the lions only grab pets. But occasionally they grab a jogger, mountain biker, or child. We have had 3 fatal and 12 nonfatal attacks over the past 30 years.But the reality is you can't put up signs everywhere, and then the is the case of putting them in different languages. Then what if a snake comes out of the water? Do you need beware of snakes too? They are all over the country in the US.
It's like going to South America now, will they have signs saying beware of mosquitoes? People do need to take responsibility, and this tragic incident may have been prevented if it wasn't dark. The photos show how dark it was at 9 p.m. and that was a huge contributory factor.
I am surprised Disney did not think of the danger and risk from the gators. That oversight is now going to cost them several million dollars. When a kid is killed it is usually good for several million to the parents.
The SoCal guy on the tv news who says he warned Disney management last year when his own kid almost got grabbed by a gator is going to come back to bite Disney now (no pun intended).
But the fact that this is the first gator related fatality in the history of Disney may or may not help them.
I will bet the settlement will be out of court and for 2 1/2 to 5 million dollars. And then signs will go up everywhere with little gators on it and stern warnings.
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