Alaska Purchase from the Russians

I thought I heard them all. Thanks for bringing up the theory. I have never heard this one before. Please expand on it. I am not a scholar on the civil war. I know a fair amount but have never heard of the confederate navy operating in the Pacific.
Granted I dont know how long negotiations took before hand. Ill get back to you on that. But the treaty was finished two full years after the war was over.

I originally heard it through a seminar done by Right Way Law. There's not too much about it on the internet, but you will find many conflicting reports of exactly what the Russian fleet was doing here.

It just makes sense to me because those in government rarely tell the truth about anything...or disclose their true motives.
Well unless a vast conspiracy exists what you heard about the confederate navy is bogus. Negotiations didnt begin until 1867 a full 2 years after hostilities ended. The government moved quick then. Negotiations in March, treaty ratification in April.

The Russians were largely cash strapped at the time and at odds with the British. They had no real ability to defed Alaska from the Brits, and Americans came knocking and the price was right, so it worked out.