Again the GOP Deligates didnt nominate the right man

The liberal movement is getting very frightened.
Look how many "entities" are popping up all over.
I frequent a number of other hard left and hard right forums, I know them all pretty well.
There is an interesting dynamic underway. It will be fascinating to watch.
The left thought they "owned" the internet. WRONG.
It was merely the place where they revealed and identified themselves--for all the world to see.
It was not invented and designed by nerds and pot-heads.
Or--Al Gore, for that matter.
The liberal movement is getting very frightened.
Look how many "entities" are popping up all over.
I frequent a number of other hard left and hard right forums, I know them all pretty well.
There is an interesting dynamic underway. It will be fascinating to watch.
The left thought they "owned" the internet. WRONG.
It was merely the place where they revealed and identified themselves--for all the world to see.
It was not invented and designed by nerds and pot-heads.
Or--Al Gore, for that matter.

Swiss guys might be nerds and/or pot heads
Romney is an extreme radical. Is that your opinion? If so, you are terribly misinformed.

Romney like both Bushs, is a moderate progressive.

Well that's a lefty talking point if I've ever heard one. Guess you forgot who GHW was and what W knew growing up.
Look,,Why cant the Supreme Court add a law a candidate cannot run for office if he or his family members are victims of islamic terror attack? Its like this,,Did you know a police officer can be placed on leave if his family are victims of a violent crime? Its true,,Lets say his wife and daughter were beaten,raped and shot to death. You know what the Sergent will do? He will tell that officer place your gun and your badge on my desk until the investigation is over. You know why the Sergent has to do that? Cause the Officer has a license to kill. When the department finds that suspect hes gonna friggin kill him. Same with the President. The President has all kinds of powers he can act on war for ever reason he wants to because HE CAN! Just like Bushs daddy was a victim of islamic terror. Saddams guys fire shots at George H W Bush and tried to assassinate him. Now George Son won election. Then he takes oath of office. When he takes that oath and sworn in office he can legaly declare war on anyone he wants. Remember the movie,, ""Deterrence"" Heres an example on presidental powers
Thats why we need this law. If youre a victim of Islamic terror you cant run for office.Just like if a cops family is a victim of a violent crime hes placed on leave. Cause he has a license to kill

Yes Bush did fuck up big time. Problem is Obama is a much bigger fuck up. The former is a progressive and later is a socialist. If only the American people would realize that the parties are not that different. They are both leftist.

It sure would be nice to get some conservative leadership.

It would also be nice if we could get competent people in the WH and in Congress, but I fear this is not possible. Most of those who succeed in politics, are invariably not very bright and mostly about enriching themselves with wealth and power.
Look,,Why cant the Supreme Court add a law a candidate cannot run for office if he or his family members are victims of islamic terror attack?

Uhm ....

Because the Supreme Court of the US are not lawmakers. That would be the Judicial Branch not the Legislative Branch.

This is a clear example of the intellect or lack there of the blame Bush, Obama supporting liberals!!!!
The reason we had been better off is because we weren't socialists, but that's not the case anymore.
Europe has never been socialist, and neither are we. There's another one of those "talking points" you accuse "lefties" of.

Since you seem confused, "socialism" is an economic system wherein there is no private ownership of property- where the means of production and distribution are controlled solely by the government. This is not the case in Europe, and it is not the case here.

If you have an HONEST point to make, I'd be happy to hear it. But those who try to confuse others by the deliberate misuse of political terminology are a very big part of the problem.

People tend to make good decisions when they are informed. False statements such as yours are the enemy of an informed electorate, and thus an enemy of democracy.

I am not here to argue- I'd like to gain some honest knowledge. I will not lie to "win" in any discussion, because this does not advance the truth. And I have no use for misinformation, incorrect terminolgy and false accusations, because they do not advance the cause of truth.

Thank you.
The puzzle-revealed.
Left-over Bush Hater.

All because Gore lost.

You're wasting your time- I cannot be ridiculed out of stating the facts.

Do you have a rebuttal to my statement- or is your repertoire limited to vague accusations regarding my motives?
Europe has never been socialist, and neither are we. There's another one of those "talking points" you accuse "lefties" of.

Do you have a rebuttal to my statement- or is your repertoire limited to vague accusations regarding my motives?
With that level of ignorance .....

I am thinking my repertoire is that limited .......................
Uhm ....

Because the Supreme Court of the US are not lawmakers. That would be the Judicial Branch not the Legislative Branch.

This is a clear example of the intellect or lack there of the blame Bush, Obama supporting liberals!!!!

"It is the leader of genius that can make all enemies appear as one" - Adolf Hitler

Liberals are not all the same, and the rest of them do not bear the responsibility for the posts of one.

Furthermore, Bush gets the blame because he is guilty. Remember, it was the economic crisis of 2008, not 2009- John McCain suspended his campaign to work out a solution- republicans voted for the stimulus, and Bush turned a budget surplus into a huge deficit- he raised the debt limit 19 times- and financed his invasion with borrowed money. THESE ARE FACTS- historically documented and available for all to see.

The country needs to remember that the economy was destroyed during the Bush administration if they are going to make a good decision in November, and no amount of blaming President Obama can change history.

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