After DREAM Act defeated in Senate, Obama admin enacts it anyway by Executive Order

Re: After DREAM Act defeated in Senate, Obama admin enacts it anyway by Executive Ord

More insults? Are insults condones in this forum?

I hope you do realize that starting a post with insults has only one consequence: it stops the debate.

I agree that, in this case, cutting short the "debate" may be the best of all outcomes!


No rebuttal? No surprise. :D You have no facts and no arguments, you're just throwing race cards and upchucking standard leftwing slogans.
Re: After DREAM Act defeated in Senate, Obama admin enacts it anyway by Executive Ord

What the law is trying to do is establish a path to make the child legal, which is not available right now.

Baloney. The path to US citizenship has ALWAYS been there. In the case of illegal aliens, the first step is to go back to mexico. Then apply for citizenship or a visa and a green card at a US consulate, and FOLLOW THE RULES. The path they're taking is across the arizona deserts in the middle of the night.

Your complaints about them being illegal when they had no input as to their own disposition even after they were adults is a baseless arguement.

That statement isn't a rebuttal - you don't explain why it's baseless. Illegal alien children are here illegally, period. They have probably not committed a crime, but their status is illegal. That's a fact.

If a child shows promise in school, good citizenship and if some fight for our nation I deem it not only fair but prudent to allow them citizenship.

Those are not the criteria established by law - I know that you would like to make up your own laws, but you can't. If you think you can get your new criteria passed into law, go ahead and try to get your congressman to offer a bill, but as of now their status is illegal.

Nearly all of these children speak both Spanish and English fluently as they are generally the intrepreters for their parents at the DMV or retail outlets.

Besides that being FALSE, as anyone who actually lives here can tell you, by that criteria, anyone from australia or england or new zealand could just walk in and expect citizenship.

Immigration into the US is specified by federal law, and none of your criteria are in the law. Give it up.
Re: After DREAM Act defeated in Senate, Obama admin enacts it anyway by Executive Ord

As apparently our new resident fool, you thereby certify your inability to debate. :D

"The key to acting with integrity is to simply stop playing the game."
Stephen R. Covey
Re: After DREAM Act defeated in Senate, Obama admin enacts it anyway by Executive Ord

As apparently our new resident fool, you thereby certify your inability to debate. :D

That's why I sat this debate out, Rick. Better to leave the leftists to their psychopathic delusions, and move on.
Re: After DREAM Act defeated in Senate, Obama admin enacts it anyway by Executive Ord

"The key to acting with integrity is to simply stop playing the game."
Stephen R. Covey

Mod edit: No personal attacks, please.
Re: After DREAM Act defeated in Senate, Obama admin enacts it anyway by Executive Ord

And if you at least have the awareness to discern that you are intellectually outclassed here, then I suppose you can be given props for integrity. :rolleyes:

Mod edit: No personal attacks, please.
Re: After DREAM Act defeated in Senate, Obama admin enacts it anyway by Executive Ord

Thank you.
By the way, you asked "what is this based on?"
It's very simple, most kids do not worry about where they were born, or discuss at length how their parents came to a live in this country. They just take each day as it comes, trusting in their parents, trusting in their teachers, making friends, listening to the same cartoons, the same commercials, playing the same games. All this makes someone's identity, makes him/her consider where he/she lives his/her home. Although their parents may still speak spanish, they usually feel more comfortable speaking in English, and English becomes their first language.

I agree that they can assimilate...but what I question is the idea that a child would be ignorant of where they were born. Is there any empirical data that backs up that assertion?

As children go, all this doesn't differ between "legal" or "illegal." Not even between "Citizens" and "non-Citizens."
It is only much later that children may realize that their parents brought them to the US illegally. In the mean time, their identity is set as an American.

Just because they have been here for awhile and even if they have assimilated, it makes a mockery of the legal immigration process by allowing these people to become citizens without any form of punishment.

And. . .you sound like a fair person. Do you believe that every "crime" is equal? The way some people talk about illegal aliens, even those who didn't make the decision and/or may not have been aware that they came to the US illegally, it sounds like they have committed at least a willfull homicide!

Certainly not all crimes are equal...stealing $5 is not the same as murder. What we need to be doing is supporting an immigration reform that is pro legal immigration, not making a mockery of the process by rewarding illegal immigration.
Re: After DREAM Act defeated in Senate, Obama admin enacts it anyway by Executive Ord

if a kid is taken into a bank with there parents, who then try to rob the bank...should be charge the child with helping then to? Thats basically what we are doing, attacking kids for "breaking the law" when they where maybe 2 months old...Its not like we can expect them to turn 18 and say, damn well I guess I have to go back to some nation I have never been in before...since I was 2 months old.

Can you prove with empirical evidence that the majority of children crossing the border illegally are in fact babies as you seem to advocate?
Re: After DREAM Act defeated in Senate, Obama admin enacts it anyway by Executive Ord

What the law is trying to do is establish a path to make the child legal, which is not available right now. Your complaints about them being illegal when they had no input as to their own disposition even after they were adults is a baseless arguement. If a child shows promise in school, good citizenship and if some fight for our nation I deem it not only fair but prudent to allow them citizenship. Nearly all of these children speak both Spanish and English fluently as they are generally the intrepreters for their parents at the DMV or retail outlets. The very few that don't do not make up enough to justify your derision let alone your obvious hatred. Why do you fear these people?

The legislation makes a mockery of legal immigration..something you will find conservatives support.
Re: After DREAM Act defeated in Senate, Obama admin enacts it anyway by Executive Ord

Mod edit: No personal attacks, please.

BALONEY! I mentioned no names, and I made a general comment by using a boxing analogy.

I've seen a LOT worse things written in here, that actually qualifies as "personal attacks", that have never been deleted.

Re: After DREAM Act defeated in Senate, Obama admin enacts it anyway by Executive Ord

Why do you insist on virtuallly impossible scenarios these people are to go through? The fact that they are already here and a working viable part of the community should be enough to grant them a path to citizenship. Going back to Mexico, an alien land for them as they grew up here, and expecting them to flourish enough to hire a lawyer and come up with the money it would take is foolish and impossible. Just as coralling the 10.5 million aliens that are here now and marching them back would be impossible. You are long on complaining, spewing hatred, and fomenting fear--short on workable options and positive outcomes. In short, you are a whiner who pouts when he asks the impossible and it doesn't happen. At some point and time a realistic plan has to be put in use to deal with this problem that can lead to an outcome acceptable to a majority.
Re: After DREAM Act defeated in Senate, Obama admin enacts it anyway by Executive Ord

Why do you insist on virtuallly impossible scenarios these people are to go through? The fact that they are already here and a working viable part of the community should be enough to grant them a path to citizenship.

You want to keep repeating that blabber endlessly?? OK, I'm game! The illegal alien invaders ALREADY have a path to citizenship, like everyone else in the world: formally apply, get in line, and follow the rules. You think because they snuck over here in the middle of the night and are working illegally, that they line-jumped in front of people who follow the rules, that they should be REWARDED with citizenship?? That goes beyond illogical to bizarre.

Going back to Mexico, an alien land for them as they grew up here, and expecting them to flourish enough to hire a lawyer and come up with the money it would take is foolish and impossible.

Maybe for hundreds of millions of other people all over the world - do they have a free pass to violate the law too because they're out of cash? If you're so desperate to have them here, why don't YOU give them the money?

Just as coralling the 10.5 million aliens that are here now and marching them back would be impossible.

More nonsense from you - "coralling" isn't necessary, only enforcing existing law that prohibits them from working - 90% of them would be gone in six months.

You are long on complaining, spewing hatred, and fomenting fear

Re: After DREAM Act defeated in Senate, Obama admin enacts it anyway by Executive Ord

Can you prove with empirical evidence that the majority of children crossing the border illegally are in fact babies as you seem to advocate?

can you show me where I said stop asking me to debate the straw man..your better then that...And don't pretend like you don;t know it happens.

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