Abdication by Palin


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Interesting editorial from the Anchorage Daily News it appears the McCain campaign has taken over the Alaskan governor's office, accounting for, among other things, the complete 180 Palin has done in the handling of the Troopergate scandal.

Gov. Sarah Palin has surrendered important gubernatorial duties to the Republican presidential campaign. McCain staff are handling public and press questions about actions she has taken as governor. The governor who said, "Hold me accountable," is hiding behind the hired guns of the McCain campaign to avoid accountability.

Is it too much to ask that Alaska's governor speak for herself, directly to Alaskans, about her actions as Alaska's governor?

A press conference Thursday showed how skewed Alaska's relationship with its own governor has become.

McCain-Palin campaign spokesman Ed O'Callaghan announced that Todd Palin will not comply with a subpoena to testify about his role in Troopergate, the Legislature's investigation into whether Palin abused her power in forcing out former public safety commissioner Walt Monegan.

O'Callaghan also announced that Alaska's governor is "unlikely" to cooperate with the investigation by the Alaska Legislature about questionable conduct by Alaska's chief executive.

Monday, he and campaign sidekick Meg Stapleton stood before Alaskans and defended the official personnel decision by Alaska's governor to fire Alaska's public safety commissioner. ABC News reported that Gov. Palin's official press secretary, Bill McAllister, paid by the state of Alaska, didn't even know the McCain staffers were meeting the press to defend his boss.

Way back when, before John McCain chose Palin as his vice presidential running mate, Palin promised to cooperate with the investigation.

Now she won't utter a peep about it to Alaskans. Nor will her husband, Todd, who definitely needs to explain his role in Troopergate.

Instead, Alaskans have to sit back and listen to John McCain's campaign operatives handling inquiries about what Alaska's governor did while governing Alaska. Residents of any state would be offended to see their governor cede such a fundamental, day-to-day governmental responsibility to a partisan politician from another state. It's especially offensive to Alaskans.

O'Callaghan said Todd Palin objects to the subpoena because the Legislature's investigation "has been subjected to complete partisanship." That's the kind of dizzying spin that Washington has perfected. It is the McCain-Palin campaign that has worked overtime to politicize the entire matter in a transparent attempt to justify the stonewalling.

Futile as the request may be, we encourage Gov. Palin to stand up to McCain's handlers and be personally accountable for her administration's response to Troopergate. She is the governor of Alaska, not John McCain or Ed O'Callaghan.

BOTTOM LINE: Official state business -- like Troopergate -- should be handled by the governor of the state, not by McCain presidential campaign operatives.
Stick her in prison and her whole family too!

Demand that McCain goes to an old folk’s home

crown your messiah and call it good

she obviously isn’t any good. Can people get together and protest? Demand that the Republican’s have a do over and pick candidates that liberals actually like. Though I don’t know why you all don’t like McCain he is such a freaking lib himself. I do see why you hate Palin. Maybe if you demand hard enough he will UN pick her and pick Lieberman
Really. She should just toss in the blue dress and call it a day. Of course scandals that cost the American taxpayers $5 million dollars because of a lying piece of trailer trash are just fine with the "my baby daddy" crowd. What a bunch of comical hypocrites.
Stick her in prison and her whole family too!

Demand that McCain goes to an old folk’s home

crown your messiah and call it good

she obviously isn’t any good. Can people get together and protest? Demand that the Republican’s have a do over and pick candidates that liberals actually like. Though I don’t know why you all don’t like McCain he is such a freaking lib himself. I do see why you hate Palin. Maybe if you demand hard enough he will UN pick her and pick Lieberman

Don't blame me for this editorial...The Anchorage Daily News is Alaska's largest newspaper and they are asking some tough questions...such as why the complete turnaround from Palin's original promise to cooperate fully with the Troopergate investigation?

Palin, "executive experience" and all, is no longer making the decisions in her own office yet we're supposed to believe she's ready to be VP?
Palin, "executive experience" and all, is no longer making the decisions in her own office yet we're supposed to believe she's ready to be VP?

At least you admit she was the one making decisions before... which is more than we can say about Obama.
Don't blame me for this editorial...The Anchorage Daily News is Alaska's largest newspaper and they are asking some tough questions...such as why the complete turnaround from Palin's original promise to cooperate fully with the Troopergate investigation?

Palin, "executive experience" and all, is no longer making the decisions in her own office yet we're supposed to believe she's ready to be VP?

Oh I don't blame you, sorry if you thought that. I don't blame anyone really. I don’t even have issue with questions about her performance. I just really wish those same questions would be asked of your messiah. I wish someone other than Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush would ask the serious questions to your messiah.

That is what is so irritating. Watching this total ***** get a pass at everything where the main stream media and mainstream press is concerned is just flat irritating.
What on earth makes Obama Presidential material? His color, period. At least he had the sense not to make Hillary his V.P. I guess he doesn't want to die or end up in prison, eh?