ABC NEWS biased double standard coverage,,Edwards and Gingrich ex wives


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
ABC NEWS 20/20 will air Elizabeth Edwards story tommorow.

Yeah ABC NEWS wouldnt air this during the Edwards trial when it was still in session.But Oh yeah when Newt Gingrich campaign was still going on they aired his ex wife Marianne about their marriage. You see how liberal the Media is? Whatever its a Republican they do anything to smear his reputation. But when it comes to their fellow Democrats they do anything to protect him or promote him. If Edwards was a Republican they would aired this story while the trial is still going on. Just like they reported Cain sexual alligations during his campaign. But the Media didnt say anything when Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky sexual affiars when he was in his re-election campaign. They waited until 1 week before hes sworn in office 2nd term and reported it. Just like where was the Media when Whitewater was going on while Bill Clinton was campaigning? They knew all about it and chose to keep quiet until hes 5 months into office and reported it. Just like when George W Bush was campaigning 3 days before election day the boston globe reported his DWI arrest when he was a teenager. And when 3 Months before Bush 2nd term Dan Rather repoerted that False AWOL memo. But they wouldnt dare do anything like this to Democrats now would they?
Rember the Jennifer Flowers' tapes? Clinton had a long running affair with her - and that was when he ran for President the first time.