A short story about the rise and fall of our American Dream!


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Our American Dream begin with the landing of the Pilgrims on our soil in 1620.This dream was cemented by our brave patriots in the snowy battleground at Valley Forge.Our Dream Florished as we settled our new nation from Coast to Coast , from Canada to Mexico. We were challenged byEVIL in 1917 and sent our brave men and women acros the Atlantic to defeat this evil on the continent of Europe. Our Dream was challenged again in the late 1920's and 1930,s by The Great Depression . Our citizens suffered greatly as our nation wept due to fear of the unknown . We really never defeated this Depression until we were forced to enter World War Two by an attack by Japan upon Naval base in Hawaii.We declared War on the Axis powers of Nazi Germany ,Japen , and Italy.Our Greatest Generation again landed on the continent of Europe and defeated Germany and Italy . Our forces also were fighting the Empire of Japan and brought Japan to its knees ,ending World War Two. Our brave Military have fought since in Korea , Vietnam , Iraq and Afghanistan ,always with the purpose of protecting America's Freedoms and freeing others from the yoke of oppression.Today in 2008 we face a more dangerous enemy, a enemy that has as it purpose the destruction of America as we know it. This enemy resides not only across the Oceans but has taken deep root within our Government . The enemy is very Evil and preys upon human nature to assist in its own destruction . Promising something for nothing , promising to take from the rich and give to less rich , promoting Class Warfare this enemy has successfully founded a base of operations deep wthin all three of our Branches of Governemt due to the 2008 national elections.America has always been a place for the expression of free ideas, the practise of a FREE MARKET ECONOMY and Capitalism as the method for raising the level of wealth for All Amerians who will put forth the effort. The election of 2008 has brought forth the Agenda of SOCIALISM , of super Federal intervention into our Markets , replacing our Free Market experience that created America , the greatest nation on earth. With the selection of SOCIALSM( possibly even Marxism) the electorate has decided to destroy the American Dream and replace it with the promises of a politician , a politican that depends on your greed to excel from the work of others. Our National Media is nothing but an organ for the Socialistic agenda preached by Your Choice . Our airways are being threatened by the new Government that intends to silence all opposition to their oppression of the citizens. You , my fellow citizens were duped in this past election . You surrendered the Freedoms that THOUSANDS died to protect , you gave them away for a promse, a promise to give you something for nothing. In past elections when the electorate made an error we were able to correct it in the next election. Friends, 2012 is a long ways off and as the Yoke you seleced becomes tighter around our necks there may not be a choice in 2012. I FEAR the America of the past 221 years is dead. Destroyed not from afar but from within!!! I'm Sorry!, For you but mostly for our Children! The AMERICA YOU enjoyed as a youngster, as an adult , as a Parent , as senior, is DEAD!! You OBAMA voters Destroyed AMERICA! , GODS GIFT to this World!
Only people like you think " GOD is DEAD" , For those of us who believe in GODS ORIGINAL GIFT TO THIS WORLD , HE IS NOT DEAD BUT LIVES AND WILL RETURN TO RECLAIM HIS KINGDOM ON EARTH!. Sounds like you doubt HIS WORD! THINK!! OBAMA is NOT YOUR ANSWER!!! THINK!!
Conservative. I was supporting you. You misinterpreted my post. I would like to see Obama crucified (figuratively of course).
If the MESSAGE is not written by another and on a prompter OBAMA sounds like the little pig-- da, da, da thats all folks!! lol, GREAT ORATORS DO NOT NEED to READ the WORK of OTHERS!! THINK AMERICA! AMERICA has B.O.!!

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