A REAL-Prez; On-The-Job....FINALLY!!

He basically agreed with what I said. In 2003 the Taliban was defeated in Afghanistan and crossed the border. Pakistan has been dealing with this problem since then, and even before then to an extent with the porous border...
You (almost) make-up-crap, as well as Andy/Skippy!

How 'bout that!

Sallie Mae SUBMITS to Obama!!!!


"When Obama unveiled a plan this year to eliminate the $ub$idie$ altogether, many thought that the lending giant would once again try to defeat the move. The major student loan industry groups were apoplectic about the plan because many of them -- especially the banks -- make most of their profits on student loans by holding the loans.

But Sallie Mae quietly circulated legislation last month that is not substantially different than the administration's proposal.

"I was frankly shocked, myself, to see that Sallie Mae was so willing to roll over and back away from this fight," said Alan M. Collinge, a longtime critic of Sallie Mae and the founder of StudentLoanJustice.org, a Web site that advocates for consumer protections in the student loan industry. "It's almost hard to believe that a company that played such a huge role trying to kill the direct-loan program is now supporting it."

ANOTHER nail in the RNC's box.

How embarrassing, for them.....

You (almost) make-up-crap, as well as Andy/Skippy!


Shaman, Islamist groups and radicals have been a problem in Pakistan since it was created. Ask India if you do not believe me. There are hundreds of articles in the literature about this. Feel free to look one up.

A large part of the problem with the central government in Pakistan today is that the military has relied on these groups to cement their own power. This power dynamic is falling away.
"President Obama this afternoon will sign into law a bill that prevents credit card companies from raising interest rates arbitrarily and limits the fees they can charge, meeting his own deadline of enacting the bill before Memorial Day.

Both the House and Senate passed the credit card legislation by wide margins and with broad bipartisan support. The House later agreed to send the Senate version of the bill, which contained the more stringent reforms, to the White House for Obama's signature."

Gee....is it possible the present-version of Vulture Capitalism (reanimated in the Greed-Is-Good/Reagan '80s) is in it's final-throes (well....at-least until the "conservatives" see a fattened-up National Treasury, again

"Last year, the Government Accountability Office, or the GAO, looked into 95 major defense projects and found cost overruns that totaled $295 billion. Wasteful spending comes from exotic requirements, lack of oversight, and indefensible no-bid contracts that don't make our troops or our country any safer. To put this in perspective, these cost overruns would have paid our troops' salaries and provided benefits for their families for more than a year.

At a time when we're fighting two wars and facing a serious deficit, this is unexcusable and unconscionable. As Secretary Gates has said, one dollar of waste in our defense budget is a dollar we can't spend to support our troops, or prepare for future threats, or protect the American people. Well, it's finally time to end this waste and inefficiencyhttp://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/Reform-for-Our-Troops/.​

The CBO announced that entitlement programs would see a loss of $400 billion to waste and fraud but Obama and the Progressives shrugged that one off as though it was no big deal and have no plans to do anything about it... $295 billion though... that's a different story altogether... that's a big deal, that's "unexcusable and unconscionable" during our current circumstances. Selective outrage at its finest.
The CBO announced that entitlement programs would see a loss of $400 billion to waste and fraud but Obama and the Progressives shrugged that one off as though it was no big deal and have no plans to do anything about it... $295 billion though... that's a different story altogether... that's a big deal, that's "unexcusable and unconscionable" during our current circumstances. Selective outrage at its finest.

It is only an "outrage" when we spend money on defense.
"One minute into his speech he won nearly every heart and mind in the great hall, announcing his pride to be carrying "the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace Muslim communities use in my country: asalaamu alaikum.

The audience rose to its feet and I was not the only one in that vast hall with tears in my eyes.

I never imagined, as an American and a Muslim, that I would ever hear an American president invoke the blessing of Islam or to go on to quote from the Quran, as he would do several times with great relevance.

Or to refer to Muhammad as "the Prophet upon whom be peace".

But this extraordinary event was more than superb pacing and performance, more than the soaring, almost classic oratory Obama is famous for and that translates so well into modern literary Arabic."​

Gee.....it almost sounds like Middle Easterners don't miss The Idiot Son!
It is only an "outrage" when we spend money on defense.

I don't think that's true.

I think when we're spending defense dollars to Nation Build... or on weapons programs that are either repetitive or outdated... or basically just there spending to keep the defense contractors happy I think most people would say that's a poor use of tax money.

Remember it was a Republican President & former Army General, Eisenhower that said... the vast military industrial complex was a danger for or society.

Appropriators skewer Army over contracting abuse
By Otto Kreisher CongressDaily February 27, 2008

Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, opened the questioning on defense contracting, asking about the progress in responding to a series of investigations and studies that revealed widespread waste and fraud in the contracts for operations in Iraq. Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., got more aggressive, citing a specific case of apparent excessive spending and an incident of contractor performance that could have endangered the health of U.S. personnel. Dorgan said a lower-level employee of KBR, which has received hundreds of billions of dollars in contracts for services in Iraq, told him that he had been ordered to put the company's logo on towels being furnished to troops, even though it could triple the cost. The unnamed employee said he was told the price did not matter because "it was a cost-plus contract," Dorgan said, waving a white towel embossed with a large KBR emblem.

And I grant you on entitlement programs there is always going to be some waste and fraud because there are always going to be some crooked doctors and people that are gaming the system. The problem is the cost of investigation on the smaller instances (that all add up) often cost as much or more than the amounts that can be recouped. That's a problem.

But you just can't cut off help to those who really need it & are entitled to it because there is some fraud & waste by others. HOWEVER I'M ALL FOR RAMPING UP TO HARSHER PENALTIES FOR THOSE THAT ARE CAUGHT GAMING THE SYSTEM.

But we should all agree that this shouldn't happen in military spending. This should certainly be and could be a controlled group of people.
Seriously folks. You can't expect to get anywhere arguing with someone who believes that Obama is acting like a real president. If he believes that, he's already dodged some pretty obvious facts and by now is a pro at it. Don't waste your time.
Seriously folks. You can't expect to get anywhere arguing with someone who believes that Obama is acting like a real president. If he believes that, he's already dodged some pretty obvious facts and by now is a pro at it. Don't waste your time.

As opposed to say George Bush the President who left us with the 2 wars plus the greatest economic downturn since THE GREAT DEPRESSION (THE BUSH RECESSION) and actually left office with the lowest polling numbers of any President ever. Which kinda means in the eyes of the American people worst President EVER!:rolleyes:

Come on my friend this Druggie Limbaugh routine is tedious & old.

We could literally sit here all day and document the Bush fiasco point by point... video by video... don't make us do that to ya.;)

As opposed to say George Bush the President who left us with the 2 wars plus the greatest economic downturn since THE GREAT DEPRESSION (THE BUSH RECESSION) and actually left office with the lowest polling numbers of any President ever. Which kinda means in the eyes of the American people worst President EVER!:rolleyes:

Come on my friend this Druggie Limbaugh routine is tedious & old.

We could literally sit here all day and document the Bush fiasco point by point... video by video... don't make us do that to ya.;)

Thanks for showing yourself for being the poster child of my point.
"As conditions for progress in stalled nuclear talks, North Korea said Monday it wants a peace treaty with the United States that formally ends the Korean War and the removal of U.N. sanctions that are squeezing its anemic economy.

"If confidence is to be built" between itself and the United States, North Korea said, the truce that ended the conflict in 1953 must be replaced with a formal peace treatyhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dy...01/11/AR2010011100485.html?hpid=moreheadlines ending "the state of war that is the root cause of hostile relations."

The North's peace proposal follows a visit last month to Pyongyang by President Obama's special envoy to the country. Stephen Bosworth said after his trip that North Korea saw the value of the six-party talks, which in the past have awarded the North food, fuel and diplomatic concessions in return for promises to disable its nuclear facilities.

Bosworth also said that the United States was open to discussions of a peace treaty to end the Korean War, if the dialogue took place within the framework of the six-party talks, which are held in Beijing.
Gee....it's lookin' like CONTAINMENT worked, AGAIN!!!! (....And, ANOTHER BUSHCO-mess gets cleaned-up....)​

"In October 2002, a U.S. delegation led by Assistant Secretary of State James A. Kelly visited North Korea to confront the North Koreans with the U.S. assessment that they had a uranium enrichment program. Both parties' reports of the meeting differ. The U.S. delegation believed the North Koreans had admitted the existence of a highly enriched uranium program. The North Koreans stated Kelly made his assertions in an arrogant manner, but failed to produce any evidence such as satellite photos, and they responded denying North Korea planned to produce nuclear weapons using enriched uranium. They went on to state that as an independent sovereign state North Korea was entitled to possess nuclear weapons for defense, although they did not possess such a weapon at that point in time. Relations between the two countries, which had seemed hopeful two years earlier, quickly deteriorated into open hostility.

The HEU intelligence that James Kelly’s accusation is based on is still controversial: According to the CIA fact sheet to Congress on November 19, 2002, there was “clear evidence indicating the North has begun constructing a centrifuge facility” and this plant could produce annually enough HEU for two or more nuclear weapons per year when it is finished. **However, some experts assessed that the equipment North Korea imported was insufficient evidence of a production-scale enrichment program."

**(See: Aluminum Tubes :rolleyes: )​