Well-Known Member
We have been staring down the wrong end of the rifle with North Korea for a long time. Obama inherited this mess. Rattling sabres, BWB style, has not worked with North Korea. They have a few nukes, and can get them as far as Japan. Not good.
It's long past time to experiment and to see if there is any way out of this mess. It ain't blown up yet, boys, so Obama has not yet done anything any worse than his rather incompetent predessors, which would be a major achievement of total incompetence.
Clinton paid N Korea not to make bombs and they took the money and did it anyways, asking nice doesnt work ... it just makes them laugh at you
if you wanted to be honest about it, Bush inherited a mess from Clinton who did nothing to stop terrorism. 911 was planned over 5 years in advance and only took place 7 months after Bush took office.