You have very little understanding of tactics and strategy. I would also ask you to visit the UK, and tell them their cities were relatively untouched as you claim here. As I stated earlier, my FAMILY WAS THERE. They witnessed the carnage firsthand. The ONLY REASON Britain was not completely destroyed would be thanks to our RAF.
Of course the Germans suffered more since they were being hit from two sides. They got what they brought upon themselves. It was WAR, you *****. You would they should slap each other in the wrist? The very existence of our homeland was at stake. If not for our Navy and Air Force, we would have been wiped out. Oh, but that does not matter because you are concerned ONLY with the suffering of the Germans whom I need remind you STARTED the war. You would my people sit back and say 'oh, let the krauts bomb the shit out of our cities, kill our civilians. We do not wish to be barbarians, so let us not bomb them back, and harder to teach them war is a detriment to them.' It is people like you that had sought to keep the US isolationist during WWII.
You did not 'save our worthless asses'. Britain was never in danger of being conquered due to our Navy and Air Force, those words straight from the mouth of my grandfather who was there. The ONLY REASON the USA intervened via lend-lease would be the fact they knew if Britain fell, you would NEVER be able to take on Germany since you would have no foothold in Europe. So, you sent some garbage our way to help us continue the fight against the Nazis because IT BENEFITTED YOU. We lost our Empire paying for all of that shit. Never forget it. You Americans simply forgot how strong our navy was. Hitler's planned landings at Britain were nothing more than a pipe dream, and even he knew it which was why he cancelled it. I would suggest you visit Europe, and tell them you Americans saved their sorry asses, then come back and recount to me how one of them punched you in the mouth for the insult. You did NOTHING in comparison to the British and the Canadians. Yes, even the Canadians did far, far more than you Americans. When war was declared, we Canadians did not hide under the tables at our doughnut shops as you Americans did in fright. We joined our British brethren because, unlike you, we have BALLS. Remember, the only SUCCESSFUL landing during Normandy would be the CANADIAN landings at Juno beach. CANADIAN troops were the first to infiltrate into enemy territory. CANADIANS were the first into Paris. The first into Rome.