A Newbie Here

I dont get the whole Anti-Christ thing,He is Hawaiin...I can run as shallow as I have to! My favorite topic is ignorance and the like..

Take Mare's advice and just 'IGNORE' Pandora...most of the adult jokes just blow right over her head and she's anti President Obama {can't justify the reason why, she's just a hater and likes to ridicule his wife's appearance too} SHALLOW/SPITEFUL/Ignorant...see my signature it's her statement about another author :rolleyes:

But welcome to this sight and hang on the ride can get real bumpy but it ain't boring ;)
Sully,Sir No Sir,I was just busy lovin My favorite Old as Dirt Vet...You know what you are and We love you more for it..
First off I am a newbie also a converted Democrat with Conserv.views very disapointed with the direction this County is moving.I also came over from Partizens will try to maintain my cool and my bad spelling.

Welcome aboard...SULLY {nobody around here will sully your name...LOL} why the huge exodus from Partizens...did that community go belly up?