A liberal here claimed China is not a communist nation

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Is China is a communist country?

Today, the existing communist states in the world are in China, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam. These communist states often do not claim to have achieved socialism or communism in their countries but to be building and working toward the establishment of socialism in their countries.

Yes one of the liberals here who attack me and insult me all the time claimed china is not a communist nation . Immnot surprized onnof themmsaid it because they are so out of touch with the world and even thier own partys actions and policys . I am not going to mention thier name as its pointless to do so. But I want them to see this so they can see just how out of touch they really are . I know they can no admit they are wrong as they are to busys masturbation thier own inflated egos with lies and lack of facts and honesty .

Is China is a communist country?

Today, the existing communist states in the world are in China, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam. These communist states often do not claim to have achieved socialism or communism in their countries but to be building and working toward the establishment of socialism in their countries.

Yes one of the liberals here who attack me and insult me all the time claimed china is not a communist nation . Immnot surprized onnof themmsaid it because they are so out of touch with the world and even thier own partys actions and policys . I am not going to mention thier name as its pointless to do so. But I want them to see this so they can see just how out of touch they really are . I know they can no admit they are wrong as they are to busys masturbation thier own inflated egos with lies and lack of facts and honesty .
It wasn't me. Maybe you dreamt that too.
It wasn't me. Maybe you dreamt that too.
Now pay attention Boris . I Did not say it was you now did I . If it had been you I would of made fun of you in public .
And Boris I never dreamt .I do dream from time to time.
It was not you Boris the bland .
Now calm down and watch some cartoons that are age appropriate for you. Im guessing Teletubbies would be a good start for you.
Now pay attention Boris . I Did not say it was you now did I . If it had been you I would of made fun of you in public .
And Boris I never dreamt .I do dream from time to time.
It was not you Boris the bland .
Now calm down and watch some cartoons that are age appropriate for you. Im guessing Teletubbies would be a good start for you.
I never said you did. You did. If I did I wouldn't hide like you do when you get pinged.

You are the one making yourself a subject of ridicule. Your vanity is boiling over like lava.
I never said you did. You did. If I did I wouldn't hide like you do when you get pinged.

You are the one making yourself a subject of ridicule. Your vanity is boiling over like lava.
you claimed it wasn't you indicating you were thinking I was talking about you Boris , great at lying just like Joe.
The People's Republic is a state run by Communists. But they are Communists that use capitalism to grow their economy and have been very successful at doing this. They call this "Communism with Chinese characteristics", which is a pretty accurate name, really.
It has two capitalistic stock markets lol
It's a state dictatorship by a party with the word communism in it, run like a socialistic economy with state control of some industries but private ownership elsewhere

It's nothing like communism as originally defined
It has two capitalistic stock markets lol
It's a state dictatorship by a party with the word communism in it, run like a socialistic economy with state control of some industries but private ownership elsewhere

It's nothing like communism as originally defined
I agree entirely. HOWEVER, in the PRC, all the land belongs to the State. People can build on it for 100 years, but the state can move them off of it and build whatever it wishes in its place. When the 100 years is up, the ownership reverts back to the State.

This is complicated by the fact that Chinese people prefer to invest their savings in buildings, not stocks or bonds or bank accounts.
Mao pretty much proved that his idea of Communism did not work, and that the customs and habits of the Chinese people were far more in alignment with Confucius and capitalism, so they kept Mao on the money and his portrait hanging on every wall like a religious icon, but they adopted their economy to more like the economies of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea.

Marx, would like to note here, was NOT Chinese.
none of you have ever read marx, or any other socialist text

at the end of ww2, china was a devastated warzone and the us was the dominant power in the world

now the china economy is going gangbusters and the us is an economic basket case

comrade stalin
China is growing more slowly that it once was, but it is growing faster than the US, that is also growing, China does not permit real labor unions, and has decided to stamp out Islam. Of course, Chinese Muslims are not Han Chinese, and do not look Chinese.
But China does have an economy mandate by the national government.

The present policy is to use cellphones to reward good behavior and to punish bad behavior.
It is more free than most Muslim nations and Cuba, Nicaragua and Myanmar. The Chinese government is neither corrupt nor ignorant.

As Xi says, it is Communism with Chinese characteristics. Certainly better that Fascists or Nazis.