Re: A group of pro life people exposed planned parenthood for the hypocritical scum b
my internet news? i dont know what you mean but I know how you are trying to make it sound. It was on the news, I searched the net for the story I SAW on the news, I found it and I posted it here.
If you listen to the link of the recording it's clear that the young girl on the Planned Parenthood end of the line was being led by the caller and absolutely in no way the other way around.
This is the old... Did you stop beating your wife last year, trick. If you say yes or no... you'd still be saying you were a wife beater when you probably NEVER beat your wife at all.
Planned Parenthood was not soliciting for money to in someway try to encourage the abortion of "black babies" as you would have us believe.
They were simply allowing for money to be withheld for poor minority women THAT WANTED AN ABORTION BUT COULD NOT AFFORD IT! Abortions are very expensive. Here in Ohio they start at around $400. It ended up being morphed into something it was never intended to be in some press... but I have no problem at all with what their intention was. It was to basically give someone in need money.
Planned Parenthood being tricked by some smooth telemarketing said they would take money and earmark it for assistance to black women asking for an abortion. It at first came across as someone wanting to help minority women and then morphed into the racial slurs.
It doesn't beat up on Planned Parenthood in anyway what you are doing. You are only trying to hurt the women who search out those clinics to get a completely legal medical service.
Notice you never answered... What if the woman crawled across town through broken glass on her belly to a clinic begging for an abortion... would you say since she's obviously wanting this worse than anything in the world she should be able to get the service? No you'd still want to shut down the medical provider anyway.
So this isn't and never was about someone being tricked into an abortion or not offered every option or selecting a certain race to abort.
It's about you trying to find any angle to take away a woman's legal right to choose.
Headsup... That train already left the station... and you lost big.![]()