how so, *****?

are you saying blacks were treated equally to whites? women to men? gays to straights? muslims to christians? lol
Neither blacks nor whites have been treated fairly by the wicked and ungodly, and democrat efforts to live the poor out of poverty have been dismal failures.

I don't where & how you were raised, but I was raised in the north, never heard people spoken of, much less treated like they were elsewhere, so I didn't have an understanding of racism until much later in life. There were blacks in my schools, and they were basically pretty much like everyone else. In the Army a substantial number of NCO's were black, I worked for one for a year, and my CO for 2 years was black. Master Sergeant Harry White, Jr. was a straight shooter and taught me to play Tonk. We would play when on duty in a small dispensary on weekends when nothing was happening. The concept of disrespecting any superior, for any reason, is alien in the Army. I don't recall anyone allowing themselves to show disrespect in words, facial expression, attitude or any other way to black or any other race NCO's, unlike in the movies. Self discipline is not optional in the Army, and people who can't take an order are weeded out in basic training, so I didn't notice anything there either. The riots in '67 were preceded by an incident in the high school I had attended before the army in which the administrators decided not to support a white teacher who disciplined a black student. That signal event was appalling to me, and institutionalized the prohibition against white teachers disciplining black students. The education system, nation-wide, went into the toilet. Teenagers can read, too, so teachers backed off and kids knowing they would do so, ignored them then and still do today. Was that a decision good for blacks? I don't think so. The Specter of, "beware what you wish for" is always nearby.
Blather lol
Straight white Christian men had it much better than others
Only a ***** would disagree
Courts refused to take voting fraud cases for insignificant reasons, making them also incapable of disproving voter fraud evidence.
Insignificant? Prove it lying *****

Courts don't disprove things, legal *****
Plaintiffs prove things
And you morons failed lol
View attachment 10221

....And, you tend to ignore Khristian child-abuse.
As Americans turn farther away from God the problem of ungodly child abuse grows.

Massive List of Democrats Involved in Sex Crimes Against Children Goes Viral - The People's Voice (thepeoplesvoice.tv) 9-10-20

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Massive List of Democrats Involved in Sex Crimes Against Children Goes Viral

September 10, 2020 Baxter Dmitry News, US 11 Comments

An enormous list of Democrats including elected officials who have been involved in sex crimes against children has gone viral on the internet, as America continues to wake up to the pedophilia epidemic sweeping the nation.
As Americans turn farther away from God the problem of ungodly child abuse grows.

Massive List of Democrats Involved in Sex Crimes Against Children Goes Viral - The People's Voice (thepeoplesvoice.tv) 9-10-20

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Massive List of Democrats Involved in Sex Crimes Against Children Goes Viral

September 10, 2020 Baxter Dmitry News, US 11 Comments

An enormous list of Democrats including elected officials who have been involved in sex crimes against children has gone viral on the internet, as America continues to wake up to the pedophilia epidemic sweeping the nation.

how does that prove the problem is growing, and even if it is, that its because of "turning away from god". how rampant was child abuse in 1760? 1890? 1950? quote credible statistics, *****, but you wont.

i've seen child abusers who were christians quoting the bible: Those who spare the rod hate their children, but those who love them are diligent to discipline them” (Proverbs 13:24).

they beat the crap out of their kids and pat themselves on the back for being good christians. evil in the name of religion. sad.
As Americans turn farther away from God the problem of ungodly child abuse grows.

Massive List of Democrats Involved in Sex Crimes Against Children Goes Viral - The People's Voice (thepeoplesvoice.tv) 9-10-20

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Massive List of Democrats Involved in Sex Crimes Against Children Goes Viral

September 10, 2020 Baxter Dmitry News, US 11 Comments

An enormous list of Democrats including elected officials who have been involved in sex crimes against children has gone viral on the internet, as America continues to wake up to the pedophilia epidemic sweeping the nation.

the problem is republicans, those hateful people:

As Americans turn farther away from God the problem of ungodly child abuse grows.

Massive List of Democrats Involved in Sex Crimes Against Children Goes Viral - The People's Voice (thepeoplesvoice.tv) 9-10-20

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Massive List of Democrats Involved in Sex Crimes Against Children Goes Viral

September 10, 2020 Baxter Dmitry News, US 11 Comments

An enormous list of Democrats including elected officials who have been involved in sex crimes against children has gone viral on the internet, as America continues to wake up to the pedophilia epidemic sweeping the nation.

actually, as this nation has become less dominated by christians, freedom has improved. Compare today with 1700s, for example...back then we had blacks as slaves, women were basically property, gays risked their lives by being open, atheists were discriminated against, minorities from other countries (italians, irish) were severely discriminated against, poor people barely had rights, etc. Much of that evil was bsaed on the bible, but fortunately the constitution has come to dominate the bible, our nation has improved.