78 year old angry cowardly getting senile bully loses debate

here are some of giggles lies in the debate

At the start of the debate, Harris tried to portray Trump’s proposal of across-the-board tariffs on foreign goods as a “sales tax.” Tariffs are distinct from sales taxes, which are fees leveled on the sale of goods or services.

“My opponent has a plan that I call the Trump sales tax, which would be a 20% tax on everyday goods that you rely on to get through the month,” Harris said.

“First of all, I have no sales tax. That's an incorrect statement. She knows that we're doing tariffs on other countries,” Trump responded.

While many economists note that tariffs raise prices for American consumers, President Biden has also levied them on some Chinese goods.

No U.S. military members are on active duty in a combat zone?
Despite the fact that U.S. troops continue to serve in global hot spots like Iraq, Syria and Somalia, Harris made a claim that made it sound as if America’s soldiers were not deployed in combat zones around the world.

“And as of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone, in any war zone around the world, the first time this century," Harris said.

Invested $1 trillion in the clean energy economy?
Harris took some liberties with math when she touted the amount of money the Biden administration has invested in clean energy.

“Over the last four years, we have invested $1 trillion in a clean energy economy,” she said.

While passing the Inflation Reduction Act put in place tax incentives and credits designed to spur the transition of the U.S. economy to renewable sources of energy, clean energy investments have only added up to $700 billion, according to Clean Investment Monitor.
here are some of giggles lies in the debate

At the start of the debate, Harris tried to portray Trump’s proposal of across-the-board tariffs on foreign goods as a “sales tax.” Tariffs are distinct from sales taxes, which are fees leveled on the sale of goods or services.

“My opponent has a plan that I call the Trump sales tax, which would be a 20% tax on everyday goods that you rely on to get through the month,” Harris said.

“First of all, I have no sales tax. That's an incorrect statement. She knows that we're doing tariffs on other countries,” Trump responded.

While many economists note that tariffs raise prices for American consumers, President Biden has also levied them on some Chinese goods.

No U.S. military members are on active duty in a combat zone?
Despite the fact that U.S. troops continue to serve in global hot spots like Iraq, Syria and Somalia, Harris made a claim that made it sound as if America’s soldiers were not deployed in combat zones around the world.

“And as of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone, in any war zone around the world, the first time this century," Harris said.

Invested $1 trillion in the clean energy economy?
Harris took some liberties with math when she touted the amount of money the Biden administration has invested in clean energy.

“Over the last four years, we have invested $1 trillion in a clean energy economy,” she said.

While passing the Inflation Reduction Act put in place tax incentives and credits designed to spur the transition of the U.S. economy to renewable sources of energy, clean energy investments have only added up to $700 billion, according to Clean Investment Monitor.
She lies less than Trump and his lies are anti American
Hes far from stupid and far from a coward . but you are
Trump claims that when he puts a 20% tariff on an import that costs $100 wholesale, somehow CHINA pays $20. This is clearly untrue. What happens is the importer pays $100 to the Chinese and $20 to the US government. The wholesale price, which was once $100, is now $120. And the retailer will have to raise the price at least $20 to make the same profit as before. The American consumer will pay the new higher price.

That is what Trump says, if he believes it, he is stupid. If he knows the truth, he is stupid if he thinks that the American consumer believes him.

He was a COWARD because he did not withdraw from Afghanistan himself. A gutless, spineless coward.
Tariffs are fees levied on importers, NOT the country the import comes from. The result is that a tariff functions much like a sales tax.

No tariffs are paid by the exporting country. NONE.
sorry shed did not mop the floor with him. She lied her way. Shes bad for the nation and by the time liberals realize how bad she is screwing us it will be to late. Watch and see if she wins how she screws us all. you will see if your honest.
But you agree that she is a better candidate than Biden. Right? Lol

When she was nominated the gaslighters got busy telling us she is the worst candidate and a big mistake for dems. And now the same gaslighters are upset that dems switched to Harris. You guys are pathetic.

Btw: what does Fox say about who won the debate? Bon appetite!
here are some of giggles lies in the debate

At the start of the debate, Harris tried to portray Trump’s proposal of across-the-board tariffs on foreign goods as a “sales tax.” Tariffs are distinct from sales taxes, which are fees leveled on the sale of goods or services.

“My opponent has a plan that I call the Trump sales tax, which would be a 20% tax on everyday goods that you rely on to get through the month,” Harris said.

“First of all, I have no sales tax. That's an incorrect statement. She knows that we're doing tariffs on other countries,” Trump responded.

While many economists note that tariffs raise prices for American consumers, President Biden has also levied them on some Chinese goods.

No U.S. military members are on active duty in a combat zone?
Despite the fact that U.S. troops continue to serve in global hot spots like Iraq, Syria and Somalia, Harris made a claim that made it sound as if America’s soldiers were not deployed in combat zones around the world.

“And as of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone, in any war zone around the world, the first time this century," Harris said.

Invested $1 trillion in the clean energy economy?
Harris took some liberties with math when she touted the amount of money the Biden administration has invested in clean energy.

“Over the last four years, we have invested $1 trillion in a clean energy economy,” she said.

While passing the Inflation Reduction Act put in place tax incentives and credits designed to spur the transition of the U.S. economy to renewable sources of energy, clean energy investments have only added up to $700 billion, according to Clean Investment Monitor.
1. She “calls” it a sales tax. Perhaps a stretch but not a lie.

2. I doubt Iraq is considered a war zone. You have a cite that there is servicemen in Syria?

3. Rounded to the nearest billion? This from the same people who are bothered with trumps apt alleged squared footage. You guys are pathetic!
There are some US troops both in Syria and Iraq, neither are involved in combat. They are in the parts of Syria not controlled by Assad. I think they are called "advisors".
1. She “calls” it a sales tax. Perhaps a stretch but not a lie.

2. I doubt Iraq is considered a war zone. You have a cite that there is servicemen in Syria?

3. Rounded to the nearest billion? This from the same people who are bothered with trumps apt alleged squared footage. You guys are pathetic!
Yes it's a lie by liberal standards and they are putting tariffs on good so it's ok for a Democrat to do it but not a Republican
And how is trump a coward I didn't not see him hiding like liberals do
Yes it's a lie by liberal standards and they are putting tariffs on good so it's ok for a Democrat to do it but not a Republican
And how is trump a coward I didn't not see him hiding like liberals do
He whined he wasn't allowed to testify in his trial but then refused to do so when it was his chance
That's a coward
He whined he wasn't allowed to testify in his trial but then refused to do so when it was his chance
That's a coward
So that makes him a coward lol your a idiot. . tell us all something brave you have done coward. And he's far from senile but you prove it your claim now prove it.
The fiery presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris painted the picture of a scorned former president who wants a return to his era and a hopeful Vice President desperate for a different future.

Ultimately, the former president’s rambling answers, repeated blatant falsehoods and consistent interruption hurt him on Tuesday night.

“Make no mistake about it, Trump had a bad night,” Brit Hume said on Fox News.

No surprise a mature intelligent person kicked his butt

That is putting it mildly.

Sexual assaulter trump was a totally unhinged raving lunatic last night.

All Harris had to do was stand back and let him rant and rave.
That is putting it mildly.

Sexual assaulter trump was a totally unhinged raving lunatic last night.

All Harris had to do was stand back and let him rant and rave.
hardly and back door Giggles is a slut and marriage breaker . He didnt trave he spoke they both lied and he's not a coward.
Your funny
well lug nut what act of bravery have you done in your life. Im sure you have several times committed a act of bravery by putting your own physical safety aside.