
my point is that if the rich pricks had any clue what its like to budget on what they pay there workers...they would be ashamed of themself...if they actually where able to feel shame.

Why would they be ashamed of their success? And why do you think all "rich" people don't deserve what they have earned? In many cases that "rich prick" started a business on borrowed money (which he was solely responsible for), didn't take a pay check for months (even years) so they could build up their business and ultimately provide jobs for other people.

Somehow you feel that the person who assumes all risk (and many times fails and goes bankrupt) is entitled to no reward on their hard work?

Why don't you go start a business, assume all the risk, not take a paycheck for months or years, and when it finally starts to pay off and you are able to reap the rewards for your hard work I will remind you that you are just a "rich prick" who has no soul and doesn't deserve any of it. That mentality is disgusting.

And by that mark, we should just tell the poor not to go to school anymore...after all its just not in the budget for them to go to school. Education is for the rich.

Is it your assertion that if government did not provide student loans that no student loans would exist? Because that is laughable.

Further, yes, I would like to see the government get out of the student loan business. Why can't the private sector do that? If you want to borrow $40,000 plus a year to go a nice liberal arts college and major in Women's Studies, then more power to you. Just don't expect me to pick up the tab when you can't pay your loans back because you can't get a job.
my point is that if the rich pricks had any clue what its like to budget on what they pay there workers...they would be ashamed of themself...if they actually where able to feel shame. And by that mark, we should just tell the poor not to go to school anymore...after all its just not in the budget for them to go to school. Education is for the rich.

True, there are rich pricks. Like the ones that bankrolled Obama's election and are now getting paid back in the billions through bogus "green energy" contracts and crony capitalism. Just like Obama said he wouldn't allow lobbyists in the White House. But it's okay if Obama holds hands and makes deals with them at his fund raisers and his operatives meet them is local DC coffee houses. You do know there are more rich Democrats than Republicans don't you?

Public education costs more today than ever before, and what are we getting for it? Dumber kids lower grades. Funny how that wasn't the case before we had a Department of Education, when it was local school boards and the parents who ran the show. There is a reason why private schools get a better product and it isn't because of the money. Private can educate for less money. What I found when my kids went to private, is that the school enforced the rules and held the parents accountable. The teachers were paid less, weren't in a union, but were allowed to teach and didn't have to contend with unruly kids. When you have a society full of irresponsible parents, your just going to get more of the same, and the rest of the kids suffer because of it.

It seems like too many kids in public school are held to the lowest common denominator.
my point is that if the rich pricks had any clue what its like to budget on what they pay there workers...they would be ashamed of themself...if they actually where able to feel shame. And by that mark, we should just tell the poor not to go to school anymore...after all its just not in the budget for them to go to school. Education is for the rich.
Education is for those willing to work hard for it.. to do whatever it takes.. it needs to be that important to the person seeking it.. NOT WHAT WE HAVE TODAY.
Education is for those willing to work hard for it.. to do whatever it takes.. it needs to be that important to the person seeking it.. NOT WHAT WE HAVE TODAY.

you mean rich people...who have it given to them. The poor don't just get to go to the good rich white school in the burbs...Send your dumb ass rich white preppy ass hole kids to inner city schools...watch how fast the money shows up to make them better.

I know, I went to both types of schools...trust me the rich white kids did not work harder. Most less.
How on earth do "you give" someone an education? That has the same logic as "making" a horse drink water.

The amount of money spent has little to do with the quality of education. The "One Room" school that educated millions of Americans, Homeschoolers, and the school my kids attended prove that fallacy dead wrong.

There is a girls Jewish school in the Bronx that operates out of an apartment. They have very little money, yet have excellent results with their students. Maybe the real problem lays somewhere else?
you mean rich people...who have it given to them. The poor don't just get to go to the good rich white school in the burbs...Send your dumb ass rich white preppy ass hole kids to inner city schools...watch how fast the money shows up to make them better.

I know, I went to both types of schools...trust me the rich white kids did not work harder. Most less.
My point is, I don't care if your rich, they don't need the government, but if you need assistants and tax payers are footing the bill.. by-God you should earn it.. remember all debts are paid either by the borrower or the lender..
you mean rich people...who have it given to them. The poor don't just get to go to the good rich white school in the burbs...Send your dumb ass rich white preppy ass hole kids to inner city schools...watch how fast the money shows up to make them better.

I know, I went to both types of schools...trust me the rich white kids did not work harder. Most less.
Lets face facts here.. The skyrocketing cost of a college education is a classic unintended consequence of government intervention. Colleges have responded to the availability of easy federal money by doing what subsidized industries generally do: Raising prices to capture the subsidy. Sold as a tool to help students cope with rising college costs, student loans have instead been a major contributor to the problem.

In truth, America's student loan problem won't be solved by low interest rates—for many students, the debt would be crippling even if the interest rate were zero. Again REMEMBER, all debts are paid!
Lets face facts here.. The skyrocketing cost of a college education is a classic unintended consequence of government intervention. Colleges have responded to the availability of easy federal money by doing what subsidized industries generally do: Raising prices to capture the subsidy. Sold as a tool to help students cope with rising college costs, student loans have instead been a major contributor to the problem.

In truth, America's student loan problem won't be solved by low interest rates—for many students, the debt would be crippling even if the interest rate were zero. Again REMEMBER, all debts are paid!

that or schools have to teach alot more...you know so you can have a job that exists today not in 1950
that or schools have to teach alot more...you know so you can have a job that exists today not in 1950
Your smarter than that.. How can you disagree with what I just said? My son (who I am very proud of) took seven years getting a degree in engineering from A&M, he paid for the last three years by working in the motor- pool at the college...
Your smarter than that.. How can you disagree with what I just said? My son (who I am very proud of) took seven years getting a degree in engineering from A&M, he paid for the last three years by working in the motor- pool at the college...

Because oddly schools don't employe all Students, and unless your school pays its people some huge wages, alot of schools are out of reach for most poor people. And guess how hard a rich kid worked to go to that same school as your kid...less...if at all...Daddy paid for it.
Because oddly schools don't employe all Students, and unless your school pays its people some huge wages, alot of schools are out of reach for most poor people. And guess how hard a rich kid worked to go to that same school as your kid...less...if at all...Daddy paid for it.
SO WHAT! so what if daddy paid for it? More power to them..Tell these kids to stop whining and do what ever it takes to better themselves ..I have a great question for you.. HOW DID OBAMA DO IT? before you answer, that is a loaded question.
Lets face the facts... When students have little hope of completing an academic program, subsidies are not just a waste of taxpayers’ money, but a waste of these young people’s time and effort at a crucial age. Too often, they drop out with a sense of failure, poor work habits, and perhaps a sizeable debt.
In an era of scarce resources, ending pure need scholarships may cause low-income students to make wiser choices about their futures. It would be far better if, instead of floundering in an academic institution, they learned a trade, entered the military, or gained work experience. If they really wish to pursue a bachelors’ degree, they can prove themselves worthy of scholarship money by taking classes at low cost community colleges first.
Like most well-intentioned government programs, this is a disaster.
Yes...the main CAUSE of the rising cost of higher education is government intervention. History is replete with examples of government intervention exasperating the problem, not fixing it. The enormous failure of the war on poverty should be enough to prove this point to any thinking American. One would think after all this failure, Americans would recognize reality. Problem is liberals and the uninformed (really one in same) refuse to believe that government is the cause of the problem. They see government as the solution and why? Because it is taught...well I should say...indoctrinated into many Americans by the government run educational system.