7 Years Of BOGUS "Terrorist Threats"; By BUSHCO!

Hell, I remember (prior to the '04 Election) how there were terrorist-threats before each & EVERY major-holiday, during '04!!! It was as-if the Bush Admin wanted to make damned-sure that people spent their entire Holiday worrying-about-terrorism!!! It still pisses-me-off....even now....that no one else seemed to notice that!!!! :mad:

Really, yer pissed off? I couldn't tell with all the caps and boldface and obnoxious strings of exclamation points and unnecessarily-hyphenated-phrases.

Obviously they didn't teach you how to convey a point in Liberal Outrage School.

"No one else seemed to notice that"? Complaints about the terror alert system have been central to liberal talking points for years, not to mention there have been reams of social science on its psychological ineffectiveness (which I have reviewed and generally agree with).

I tend to agree the terror alert system is highly politicized, which is a natural consequence of the society in which we live. If the government fails to put out an alert and people die as a result of a terrorist attack, their feet will be held to the fire -- chiefly by people like you, who will no doubt complain about the ineffectiveness of the terror alert system as a result of that. It's political CYA. It's what you get when you play politics with things like this.

I'm not denying that - there are a lot of nutcases out there. However, we have to learn not to panic and freak out whenever we see a man with a turban.

I don't know where you (or anyone else) is getting the idea that westerners panic in the merest presence of Muslims. Whenever there's a terrorist attack western leaders take off their shoes to pray at the nearest mosque. The US is the only western country I know of that doesn't prosecute people for disagreeing with Islam or thinking it's a phenomenon of backwards Third World hellholes, and even we were talking about it as recently as last year.

Unless of course you're conflating "panic" with legitimate objections to things like burkas or to huge volumes of immigration from Islamic countries.

Terrorists aren't all muslims. And not all muslims are terrorists.

Like the kids say, duh. No one ever said all Muslims are terrorists or that all terrorists are Muslims. What has been said is that Muslims are vastly overrepresented in the terrorist population.

Yeah....right.....and, corporate-America's your Knight In Shining Armor, too, huh? :rolleyes:
Without "Corporate America" we wouldn't have all this great stuff we all use and enjoy.
Yeah.....they're really spending their massive War-profits on your security.
No. And, they're not required to. But, massive corporate taxes, as well as income tax paid by massive numbers of corporate employees, is paying a pretty big chunk of the bill for our national security.
is name calling really necessary?
I'm not paranoid in the least, just more informed than you.

Oh, yes, you're FAR more informed. More informed about how everyone with a darker skintone and a different religion is out to get you. If that's your version of informed then may the good Lord let me be a country bumpkin all my life, because I'd rather be in touch with my fellow men than convinced they are all out to get me. Not like I know anyone like that.
Like the kids say, duh. No one ever said all Muslims are terrorists or that all terrorists are Muslims. What has been said is that Muslims are vastly overrepresented in the terrorist population.

Double post, but please tell Bewitched that. Apparently Muhammad the next door neighbor is plotting my demise via his prize petunias.
Oh, yes, you're FAR more informed. More informed about how everyone with a darker skintone and a different religion is out to get you. If that's your version of informed then may the good Lord let me be a country bumpkin all my life, because I'd rather be in touch with my fellow men than convinced they are all out to get me. Not like I know anyone like that.

If you can cite some examples of acts of terrorism that have been perpetrated by any group that is not Islamic, please do so. If you do, please make it from reputable source(s). Please provide the statistics of the percentage of non-Muslim terrorist attacks, the volume of them, the deaths and injuries caused by, etc.

I'm an American. I have a mixed granddaughter. My mother-in-law is half Native American. My son-in-law is black. One of my best friends is Muslim. Another of my best friends is Irish-Catholic. I can't speak for bewitched, but I find your over-generalized assumption of bigotry on her part to be ignorant in the least, downright offensive and disgusting as well as simply tasteless.

Our current experience, especially since 9/11, is that terrorism is primarily perpetrated by radical Muslims. There are many non-radical Muslims that are wonderful people, great friends and fine neighbors. Again primarily, these are peoples who have not been isolated from the world, from progress, and from modern conveniences. They do not hold tightly to the old dogma of their religion, whether it was rightly or wrongly taught and passed down. Just as the majority of Christians today do not hold tightly to the teachings and rule of the Church of Inquisition, for example.

They do hate us. They do want to kill and destroy us. They is not all of them, but the segment who holds to that doctrine. Are they seeking to destroy you, personally? Probably not. But don't confuse that with the fact that if you happened to be in the time, place or position they choose to carry out a violent act, they will gladly take you along with those of us who recognized the threat to begin with.
I tend to agree the terror alert system is highly politicized, which is a natural consequence of the society in which we live. If the government fails to put out an alert and people die as a result of a terrorist attack, their feet will be held to the fire -- chiefly by people like you, who will no doubt complain about the ineffectiveness of the terror alert system as a result of that.
Please. :rolleyes:

The terror alert system (as far as I'm concerned) is merely the current Sales-And-Marketing tool, implemented by BUSHCO's Corporate-Cabinet, to maximize their bottom-line. If they can manage to convince the general-public our best-interest are their primary-concern, we'll be less-likely to complain about the price-tag. I'm sure they appreciate your support.

It's political CYA. It's what you get when you play politics with things like this.
Political? Hardly. It's lookin' more like a business-plan, to me.
Without "Corporate America" we wouldn't have all this great stuff we all use and enjoy.
I'm a little-more concerned about the great stuff, used and enjoyed in our name.


But, massive corporate taxes, as well as income tax paid by massive numbers of corporate employees, is paying a pretty big chunk of the bill for our national security.
Yeah.....if we could only figure-out where those taxes went.

If you can cite some examples of acts of terrorism that have been perpetrated by any group that is not Islamic, please do so.
Does the CIA count??

"Saad told me there was nothing left," she told AFP. "That everything had been either destroyed or dismantled by the UN and the regime has abandoned its nuclear programme. And he begged me to explain all that back in the States.

"I went back and I reported what he had told me in full detail. I even went personally to Washington. In the beginning they listened to me but then they told me that my brother was lying," she said.

I'm a little-more concerned about the great stuff, used and enjoyed in our name.
As anyone knows, private corporations get things done much more efficiently and cheaply than government. I shudder to imagine what the cost would be if federal bureaucrats were running everything!

Yeah.....if we could only figure-out where those taxes went.

That's $9 billion unaccounted for out of the trillion$ already invested in bringing about a better world. While I find that kind of irritating, I don't see it as something to go ballistic over.
If you can cite some examples of acts of terrorism that have been perpetrated by any group that is not Islamic, please do so. If you do, please make it from reputable source(s). Please provide the statistics of the percentage of non-Muslim terrorist attacks, the volume of them, the deaths and injuries caused by, etc.

I'm an American. I have a mixed granddaughter. My mother-in-law is half Native American. My son-in-law is black. One of my best friends is Muslim. Another of my best friends is Irish-Catholic. I can't speak for bewitched, but I find your over-generalized assumption of bigotry on her part to be ignorant in the least, downright offensive and disgusting as well as simply tasteless.

Our current experience, especially since 9/11, is that terrorism is primarily perpetrated by radical Muslims. There are many non-radical Muslims that are wonderful people, great friends and fine neighbors. Again primarily, these are peoples who have not been isolated from the world, from progress, and from modern conveniences. They do not hold tightly to the old dogma of their religion, whether it was rightly or wrongly taught and passed down. Just as the majority of Christians today do not hold tightly to the teachings and rule of the Church of Inquisition, for example.

They do hate us. They do want to kill and destroy us. They is not all of them, but the segment who holds to that doctrine. Are they seeking to destroy you, personally? Probably not. But don't confuse that with the fact that if you happened to be in the time, place or position they choose to carry out a violent act, they will gladly take you along with those of us who recognized the threat to begin with.


That would be the sound of my head. Hitting my desk. I AM NOT SAYING THAT THERE ARE NOT MUSLIM TERRORISTS. OBVIOUSLY THERE ARE. Since two gigantic smoking holes in the ground four hours south prove that point.

What I am SAYING is, you can't generalize that every terrorist ever is a Muslim, and that every terrorist who ever lived WAS a muslim. That's stupid and wrong. Apparently I'm the only one who has noticed that Bewitched seems to believe in some mass Muslim conspiracy against us all.

You just said, in your above quote (since apparently the only way to make anyone pay attention on this forum is to quote them and then make them look like fools) that you know good Muslims, people who aren't walking around with bombs strapped to their chests or preaching against American Culture.


Good Lord.
What I am SAYING is, you can't generalize that every terrorist ever is a Muslim, and that every terrorist who ever lived WAS a muslim. That's stupid and wrong. Apparently I'm the only one who has noticed that Bewitched seems to believe in some mass Muslim conspiracy against us all.
Maybe Bewitched could explain the Tim McVeigh/muslim-connection. :rolleyes:
The Bushies have tried very hard to make it look like McVeigh was a Muslim terrorist. They haven't been able to prove it, but they believe it is true.
It's lookin' like two bubbleheads tried to beat-them-to-the-punch. :rolleyes:

September 5, 2002

With the Sept. 11 anniversary upon us and President Bush talking about a "regime change" in Iraq, it's an apt time to look at two investigators who connect Baghdad to two notorious incidents of domestic terrorism. Jayna Davis, a former television reporter in Oklahoma City, believes an Iraqi cell was involved in the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building here. Middle East expert Laurie Mylroie links Iraq to the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, and has published a book on the subject.

Evidence supporting Ms. Davis's suspicions surfaced during discovery for the McVeigh trial. An FBI report, for example, records a call a few hours after the bombing from Vincent Cannistraro, a retired CIA official who had once been chief of operations for the agency's counter-terrorism center. He told Kevin Foust, a FBI counter-terror investigator, that he'd been called by a top counter-terror adviser to the Saudi royal family. Mr. Foust reported that the Saudi told Mr. Cannistraro about "information that there was a 'squad' of people currently in the United States, very possibly Iraqis, who have been tasked with carrying out terrorist attacks against the United States. The Saudi claimed that he had seen a list of 'targets,' and that the first on the list was the federal building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma."

Stephen Jones, McVeigh's lead lawyer, discusses the FBI report in his book, "Others Unknown: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy." Mr. Cannistraro later told Mr. Jones that he didn't know if the caller "was credible or not." But Mr. Foust's memo says Mr. Cannistraro described the Saudi official as "responsible for developing intelligence to help prevent the royal family from becoming victims of terrorist attacks," and someone he'd known "for the past 10 or 15 years."

Sounds like another Curveball-moment, to me. :rolleyes: