"60 Minutes"; This Evening

62 percent favorable that's very popular with all kinds of Americans

Perhaps the authors of the poll were like Fauci, on the payroll of companies making big bucks off unpopular and less worthy health mandates. Here is a different perspective worth taking into account:

MARCH 10, 2020


  • March 23 marks the 10th anniversary of Obamacare. For 10 years the law has failed to live up to its promise of reducing health care costs and has limited patients’ choice and access.
  • Republicans in Congress have successfully repealed several of Obamacare’s worst and most expensive provisions. The Trump administration has taken numerous steps to provide more affordable health care options for Americans.
  • Instead of fixing the broken health care system, Democrats have taken every opportunity to control more of Americans’ health care and now want to take away private insurance from nearly 180 million Americans.
Trump said that he had a better medical plan that was cheaper and better than Obamacare, but he had NOTHING and the Republicans tried to replace it with a horrible useless plan and failed. Then stupid ignorant Trump said "nobody knew it was so complicated", by which he meant to say that he knew nothing about it at all. How could any medical cae plan in a country of 330 million people be anything BUT complicated?

Now Trump wants to wreck it and replace it with some crappy substitute that will enrich his supporters.

Trump meets with Big Oil execs and tells them "Give my campaign a billion dollars and will give yo anything you want. That is nothing but corruption,.
I would not support a universal socialist healthcare plan offered by anyone, including President Trump.
Perhaps the authors of the poll were like Fauci, on the payroll of companies making big bucks off unpopular and less worthy health mandates. Here is a different perspective worth taking into account:

MARCH 10, 2020


  • March 23 marks the 10th anniversary of Obamacare. For 10 years the law has failed to live up to its promise of reducing health care costs and has limited patients’ choice and access.
  • Republicans in Congress have successfully repealed several of Obamacare’s worst and most expensive provisions. The Trump administration has taken numerous steps to provide more affordable health care options for Americans.
  • Instead of fixing the broken health care system, Democrats have taken every opportunity to control more of Americans’ health care and now want to take away private insurance from nearly 180 million Americans.

you dont' know who kff is?
god you are stupid. lol

ps - your link doesn't address whether americans like it. its just another right wing blather...from FOUR years ago. lol.
god you are stupid
you dont' know who kff is?
god you are stupid. lol

ps - your link doesn't address whether americans like it. its just another right wing blather...from FOUR years ago. lol.
god you are stupid
Dummies still support the high priced crappy IRS administered Obamacare tax plan. I never signed up for it and no DC politician ever did either.

What does kff stand for, kick Fauci in the face?
Dummies still support the high priced crappy IRS administered Obamacare tax plan. I never signed up for it and no DC politician ever did either.

What does kff stand for, kick Fauci in the face?

go to the link, *****. it is very clear for anyone who isn't a lazy ***** like you :)
you are so stupid. lol
go to the link, *****. it is very clear for anyone who isn't a lazy ***** like you :)
you are so stupid. lol
Is the link going to recognize the fact that there are tens of millions of Americans who still oppose taxpayer funded free healthcare for all? Such free programs are attractive to the poor or ineligible but not so attractivce to the hard workers who keep seeing their taxes increase year by year to pay for political wasteful spending.
Is the link going to recognize the fact that there are tens of millions of Americans who still oppose taxpayer funded free healthcare for all? Such free programs are attractive to the poor or ineligible but not so attractivce to the hard workers who keep seeing their taxes increase year by year to pay for political wasteful spending.
No the link is going to tell you who they are, quickly answering the question you were too lazy to do, lazy *****
No the link is going to tell you who they are, quickly answering the question you were too lazy to do, lazy *****
Leftists lie when they claim the majority of heavily-burdened American taxpayers are happy to have their taxes increased in order to provide 'free' healthcare benefits to the poor and ineligible.
Leftists lie when they claim the majority of heavily-burdened American taxpayers are happy to have their taxes increased in order to provide 'free' healthcare benefits to the poor and ineligible.

leftists? that's a leftist organization that is lying that 62% of americans support obamacare?
you'll have to prove that, lying *****.

lets face it...your whining is defeated by facts. lol
leftists? that's a leftist organization that is lying that 62% of americans support obamacare?
you'll have to prove that, lying *****.

lets face it...your whining is defeated by facts. lol
We have been lied to by so many public officials, news sources, and others in the last few years that I still remain unpersuaded that the American workers who are forced to fund the 'free Obamacare' with higher taxes on their earnings are enthusiastic supporters of the tax plan described as healthcare premiums.