"60 Minutes": The '08 Oil-Speculation HUSTLE!!!

Ill chime in with a few things here. Firstly, when I was making issue of oil being placed on the futures market because it was driving the prices through the roof, I was lampooned by plenty of right wing posters who said it was nothing more than supply and demand. That it was the Chinese and Indian markets driving then price through the roof, on something whose actual cost to produce in most cases is less than $5 a barrel.

How that the price of a barrel of oil is currently less than $40 a barrel, considering that the demand for the oil on the world market has no decreased in any signifigant form, and that the production of the oil has only increase marginally, it makes for a very fishy situation on exactly how supply and demand is driving the price of oil. When in fact it has been the speculation of oil. Which comes at the considerable expense of the average user, and has caused literally thousands of small businesses to go bankrupt, while lining the pockets of big oil.
How that the price of a barrel of oil is currently less than $40 a barrel, considering that the demand for the oil on the world market has not decreased in any significant form, and that the production of the oil has only increase marginally, it makes for a very fishy situation on exactly how supply and demand is driving the price of oil. When in fact it has been the speculation of oil. Which comes at the considerable expense of the average user, and has caused literally thousands of small businesses to go bankrupt, while lining the pockets of big oil.
To quote others....CHANGE is comin'!!!


"The Enron Loophole was created by McCain campaign co-chair Phil Gramm at the behest of Enron—just one example of the special interest politics that put the interests of Big Oil and speculators ahead of the interests of working people. And the American people have seen the results: record corporate profits while Americans pay record prices at the pump."