60 minutes Steve Kroft asked Obama softball questions about the economy


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Typical left winged that CBS is! It reminds me of how the liberal media treated Bill Clinton,,That until Fox News hammer him well. Its started liked this. First on Letterman show

Then on the View

Then on CNN

Then on Jon Stewart

Then Finaly fox news asked real tough questions to Bill Clinton

Now why cant Obama go on Fox News and answer real questions from Chris Wallace?
Steve asked him. About the people dont feel comfort with this economy obama said this,,
Were on a criuse ship going though a bad storm. Do they feel the captain isnt doing a good job? Of course they will say captain is doing a lousy job. But the captain is doing his best to keep his passengers safe and comfortable as possible,But sooner or later storm will pass and then theyre feel heppy again.
Well i consider Obama is a Pirate captain. Now of the cabin boys and mates arent happy with the captain they will mutiny and take his ship and make the captain walk the plank! Thats whats happening in America,,Were not happy with the captain ,,In November were gonna mutiny and take the ship and make him walk the plank. and this will be our new captain.