Well-Known Member
The Worst
1) Barack Obama
2) George Bush II
3) William Clinton
4) George Bush II
5) Ronald Raygun
The Best
Comrade Stalin
You spelled Reagan wrong bud

The Worst
1) Barack Obama
2) George Bush II
3) William Clinton
4) George Bush II
5) Ronald Raygun
The Best
Comrade Stalin
I will buy you a first class seat one way to Norh Korea.
1)No. Arguing with insanity would mean I am insane.
2)But lets try to find a new home for you to escape to. I am just trying to help you out. You know...I just really have a need to help anti-Americans emigrate.
Maybe Mexico would work. Its a real free for all down there. Maybe a libertarian like you would like it. What do you think?
Obama (hard to beat a guy who was willing to kill 500k+ Americans for purely political reasons)
USGrant (for being willing to kill those Americans for Bloodthirsty Abe)
Yeah Lincoln freed the slaves. And LBJ should go down the bottom too
Lincoln had no intention of freeing any slaves. Lincoln had suspended habeas corpus and imprisoned dissentors.
Also Lincoln emancipation proclamation freed exactly 0 slaves the proclamation only covered the states that seceded and they didnt exactly recognize his authority.
Lincoln had no intention of freeing any slaves. Lincoln had suspended habeas corpus and imprisoned dissentors. The man was a tyrant any imagined freeing of the slaves was purely a political move.
" My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery."
- Abraham Lincoln
Also Lincoln emancipation proclamation freed exactly 0 slaves the proclamation only covered the states that seceded and they didnt exactly recognize his authority.
1)The constitution ALLOWS that: See Article One, Section 9, clause 2. Lincoln was well within his rights, and did so because it appeared Maryland would secede after the civil war started, leaving DC surrounded by the enemy.
2)It was limited in that way, because he was >>LEGALLY LIMITED<< to only the states in rebellion, if by executive order. A general emancipation required a constitutional amendment.
3)You need to read some actual history instead of merely regurgitating standard Lincolln defamations.
but he did want to end it, but no it was not his main goal ...and it was only given full power when politically needed....and it freed them all...just had to kick to finish kicking the Souths ass for it to take effect. it may not have freed them that day, but it freed them
Interesting you should put Lincoln in the bottom 5 I dont like him for my own reasons. What are yours?
Also can you elaborate on Obama wanting to kill 500k people for political reasons?
In Federalist Paper 45, Madison guaranteed: "The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite." The South seceded because of Washington's encroachment on that vision. Today, it's worse. Turn Madison's vision on its head, and you have today's America.
DiLorenzo does a yeoman's job in documenting Lincoln's ruthlessness and hypocrisy, and how historians have covered it up. The Framers had a deathly fear of federal government abuse. They saw state sovereignty as a protection. That's why they gave us the Ninth and 10th Amendments. They saw secession as the ultimate protection against Washington tyranny
1) Just because you can do something doesnt mean you should. Im sure that you would except the same criticism as a valid one for say Wilson.
The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
2) Yes he was legally limited to do nothing brilliant excuse.
3) Coming from the man who's last 200 posts were GOP talking points.
1)He did it in exactly the circumstances for which it was put into the constitution. Your position is like someone complaining that he used a hammer to pound in a nail.
2)Leftwingers, who support uber-statism, can I supposed be excused from thinking a president can act like a dictator if he gets the whim, as well as their general ignorance of law, the constitution, and american history.