2024 tomorrow.

So you are incapable of responding to any of the specific points so instead you just wave your arms and dismiss them all. When someone has clear advantage over you on a particular subject, best is to keep your mouth shut rather than make it clear to all that you are clueless.
Why keep my mouth shut when you talk smack about the bible and Christians but never a word about other religions .
Your like Lugnut your not man enough to admit the truth you have a dislike for Christians, yes from the party of fairness and equal rights and tolerance it shows . Why discuss something you are clueless about and do not believe in.
Im very capable luh nut very more so then you will ever know.
Like I said anytime
Islam has a bigoted attitude towards gays. As soon as you forget about this lie of yours I am sure you will repeat it.
Islam has the same problem that Christianity does: it claims that it is the only ONE TRUE religion. But of course, it cannot prove that Allah exists, either.

Homosexuality exists among many mammals and humans are mammals.
Some mammals exhibit extreme hostility to individuals they cannot explain. If an albino is born, its parents will rip it to shreds. There are tribes where humans also rip albinos apart, they consider the pieces to have magical powers.
So you read the bible but are incapable of understanding it due to your hate .
I read it and understand that it is packed chock full of hate and superstition. Hate the Baalites, hate the Philistines, hate the Egyptians and the Malekites and the Canaanites.

The Bible is not a single entity, there is wisdom in the Bible, but there is also genocide, silly folktales, incomprehensible passages, and a lot of mythology.

And of course, it has a kinda sorta happy ending in the Book of Revelation.
All the dead who have ever lived, less the few that somehow made it to Heaven early, pop out of the ground, their physical bodies restored, and they are judged by Jesus himself.

Everyone is either evil or good, and the good get to live happily ruled by Jesus for 1000 years.
They they turn the Earth over to Satan (why?) and they all ascend to heaven, where they will spend the rest of Eternity singing in the Choir Celestial.

I don't hate the Bible, but I do understand it, and it is basically silly.
I do not blame people for not wanting to die. But it is silly to deny death, it is like denying oxygen.
Hmm. I thought the claim was god personally sent Trump to do his wishes.

If you guys didn’t lie so much, you would not forgot what you said previously.
God has used sinners like Hitler and Christians like Ted Cruz to do His will because humans are just instruments in His hand.
I do not hate Christians. Some of my best friends are Christians. Heck many of us have grand children who are Christians.

As I said if you guys did not lie so much you would not have to remember what you have said previously.
Have any of your grandkids ever been kicked out of a Kamala rally for being too Christian?
Islam has the same problem that Christianity does: it claims that it is the only ONE TRUE religion. But of course, it cannot prove that Allah exists, either.

Homosexuality exists among many mammals and humans are mammals.
Some mammals exhibit extreme hostility to individuals they cannot explain. If an albino is born, its parents will rip it to shreds. There are tribes where humans also rip albinos apart, they consider the pieces to have magical powers.
There is only One True God, and one of His names is JESUS. All other gods are fakes.
You really think Trump is your god. How sad.
Jesus is God and Him only shalt thou serve and worship.

Deuteronomy 6

4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:

5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.