2012 poll tracker

Well try to think of it like this

Think of hand out at tax payer expense like heroin and those who collect the handouts as addicts. You cant just kick them off the heroin and think it will be ok, its a gradual transition to get them to be self dependent.

So its probably a good thing that Romney doesn't plan to do it all in one month, year or even term... Slow is the process to re learn or in many cases learn for the first time to be self sufficient.

I like that Pandora :). Or think of it like the recent storm Sandy. It came in with a roar and created havoc. It's now going to take a lot of time to clean it up.
I like that Pandora :). Or think of it like the recent storm Sandy. It came in with a roar and created havoc. It's now going to take a lot of time to clean it up.

Someone who has always been on the government dole or relied on it for everything isn’t going to be able to function just being cut off and honestly it would make the person doing the cutting look like a monster so in 4 years you would get a obama on steroids rather than a jimmy carter on steroids (like we have currently). The pendulum swings and it swings really hard when we are not careful.

Slowly getting people off government assistance seems smarter to me, though realistically some will never be able to get off. Though its a small number of truly in need people, they do exist.

But we have to get to doing things now or everyone will suffer, Romney couldn’t have come at a better time.
I can agree with that. The problem is I don't think Romney will wean America off socialism or crony capitalism. I hope I am wrong.

I suspect he will continue to run huge deficits, continue America's wrongheaded interventionist policies leading to more war, allow Wall Street; big banks; and big biz to continue their thieving ways, and the Fed will keep on printing and buying gov debt. But the elephant in the room is America's demographics. The huge baby boom generation is mostly insolvent and will demand government take care of them. The cost will overwhelm the system.

And should BO win tomorrow...we all know we will soon be Greece.
I hope you are wrong about Romney too. The biggest reason I think you are wrong is he would not have picked Paul Ryan if he were not serious about the debt. So let’s hope and dare I say, lets pray that not only he wins but he makes a real difference :)

Even if BO loses things are going to be bad, what he does between now and January 20th could be extremely dangerous. I am very worried.
I hope you are wrong about Romney too. The biggest reason I think you are wrong is he would not have picked Paul Ryan if he were not serious about the debt. So let’s hope and dare I say, lets pray that not only he wins but he makes a real difference :)

Even if BO loses things are going to be bad, what he does between now and January 20th could be extremely dangerous. I am very worried.

I hope Romney wins and turns out to be a good conservative president. But, as you know, I don't think its likely.

And choosing Paul Ryan for VP changes nothing. His proposed budget does not balance for 27 years and yet, the left thinks its radical. So should they win today and try to cut spending in any meaningful way, we will hear nothing but screaming and gnashing of teeth by the left and nothing will change.

Should BO not win, he will most certainly do great damage on his way out and the media will cover it up.