Wtc 7

Bad language ...

It doesn't creep me out if that is what you mean:D

You of course are the only one besides myself who knows why i dont wade into the pool with you. Stalemates are tiresome

If you are describing your unwillingness to admit that you are wrong even in the face of overwhelming credible evidence to the contrary as a stalemate, then yes, I know why you fear debating me.
sorry pale I Dont fear anything.......least of all you.
wouldn't have expected less from you though moving on.
Have you had a chance to find that documentation that shows aluminum freely burning in many plane crashes?
Just my take on WTC7
Chaotic fires and damage from material ejected from the falling towers and we get a nice neat coherent collapse ..... ya, right

the "official" 9/11 report is a fairy tale! Your tax dollars at work, an "official" report that is totally worthless!
certainly seems that way when the MINISCULE part of the document has been posted, as you have presented it. in the overall scheme of the preceeding 2 pages, and the following 2 pages ,it holds a different context. everyone always trying to slough things off in the eaiest terms possible ....

of course it is far easier, to hyper focus on a paragraph, such as you have done. It is far more complicated, to look at the overall picture, and the meaning of the paragraph as it pertains to it.

always the readers digest version isnt it? yes thats the way i see it here in forum land always looking for the readers digest version ............of course intelligent people know that the readers digest version isnt possible ever read one of Paleriders posts? youll NEVER get the readers digest version from him

Wow! biggest pile of BULL Shiite Ive heard in a while. You provided the 3 word quote "pearl harbor like", which is innacurate, AND you purposely mischarachterized the context that it is within, AND your going to sit here and whine that I only provided one paragraph???? I provided the link to the entire document. The one paragraph I provided showed you are full of shiite. The other 90 pages only further demonstrates you are full of shiite.
sorry pal you already lost the point

You dont have a point dude. Just the shiite you make up in your own head that is easily shown to be complete bull shiite by refering to the source that YOU cite.
I doubt youve ever even read anything from the PNAC, let alone have the capeability to comprehend such things.
Stick to your emotional rants void of specifics. You only embarass yourself when you try to do otherwise.
You dont have a point dude. Just the shiite you make up in your own head that is easily shown to be complete bull shiite by refering to the source that YOU cite.
I doubt youve ever even read anything from the PNAC, let alone have the capeability to comprehend such things.
Stick to your emotional rants void of specifics. You only embarass yourself when you try to do otherwise.

Roker has laid down plenty of specifics for you to read; to bad you failed to do so.
You dont have a point dude. Just the shiite you make up in your own head that is easily shown to be complete bull shiite by refering to the source that YOU cite.
I doubt youve ever even read anything from the PNAC, let alone have the capeability to comprehend such things.
Stick to your emotional rants void of specifics. You only embarass yourself when you try to do otherwise.

Like i said to begin with, we will be fair to both of us ,and include the three preceeding PAGES of the document. Along with the following 5 pages, of the document. So the the line cited, has what it needs to put it into context .Neither a sentance, or a paragraph works here.

clearly i conceeded that, long before you began spewing tripe into the thread.

btw the way your welcomed your opinons everyone has one
I provided the link to the entire document. I duplicated the text that showed you were FULL OF SHIITE in your characterication of your INNACCURATE 3 word quote. AND YOU, havent even attempted to provide a single accurate quote from the PNAC to suport this silly claim of yours. You and I both know its because NONE of the text would support your claims. Feel free to prove me wrong AZZHOLE. Copy and paste any of the 90 pages to show otherwise.

Like i said to begin with, we will be fair to both of us ,and include the three preceeding PAGES of the document. Along with the following 5 pages, of the document. So the the line cited, has what it needs to put it into context .Neither a sentance, or a paragraph works here.

clearly i conceeded that, long before you began spewing tripe into the thread.

btw the way your welcomed your opinons everyone has one just like your azzhole
clearly i conceeded that, long before you began spewing tripe into the thread.

And I havent seen you concede anyhting yet. Just got your panties all knotted up when I quoted a paragraph to show that your 3 word quote was innaccurate and with a different meaning than what you tried to imply.
Assuming youve read the PNAC paper, the question becomes, why do you lie? Why do you use innaccurate quotes? Why are you now trying to convince people that 5 pages of context will suddenly make your claim truthful, when we know thats simply not the case. Whats your agenda? Purpose? Or just a compulsively dishonest person?
I provided the link to the entire document. I duplicated the text that showed you were FULL OF SHIITE

you did what? only in your feeble lil mind my friend

in your characterication of your INNACCURATE 3 word quote. AND YOU, havent even attempted to provide a single accurate quote from the PNAC to suport this silly claim of yours.

The entire pages preceeding, and following, the 3 word quote you are so hung up on, are my quotes. which silly claim is it you speak of? the fact that they discuss some things needing to change, for some Directional changes to occur, and a "pearl harbor like" event would be enough to move them in the direction they were discussing?

You and I both know its because NONE of the text would support your claims. Feel free to prove me wrong AZZHOLE. Copy and paste any of the 90 pages to show

wow look MODERATORS are once again BIASED
as this poster is allowed freely to call another user an AZZHole in the forum............generally you begin to lose credibility at this point, as you challenge and hurl names like a 8th grader...........

you obviously think that i have some far reaching laim in my shows us your inability to assimilate what you read
Roker, just because I have the title super moderator, doesn't mean I'm any different from you. I'm still a human with a job, social life etc. and I don't sit here like a machine watching every post as it comes in.

Secondly, "azzhole" is hardly a serious and personal insult, and as you have pointed out rather childish and pathetic. However, in your response, you have too called him an azzhole twice. Therefore, if you want him to recieve an infraction, you must have one too.
The entire pages preceeding, and following, the 3 word quote you are so hung up on, are my quotes. which silly claim is it you speak of? the fact that they discuss some things needing to change, for some Directional changes to occur, and a "pearl harbor like" event would be enough to move them in the direction they were discussing?

Quite a change from

The PNAC and the 2000 document entitled "Rebuilding Americas Defense's" certainly layed out the latest "Riechstag" fire with 9-11. The P.N.A.C. had called for "pearl harbor like" event, in order to take the country past the tipover point.....

9-11 was the N.W.O.'S "Riechstag"........the NWO?, just an extension of the orginal foundings, of the Third Riech....or the Thules etc........Globalism or world domination, did not die with Hitler,

at least your consistantly dishonest.