Will Biden run?

Most of the people I know in person or online have given up on her. But Bernie is still a pretty popular guy. Like I've said before, Biden makes me smile every time I see him, and I would really love it if he stayed in office... right where he's at now. Hillary wanting to but heads with Obama after all her blunders is going to cost her. Even liberals who aren't Obama's biggest fans, won't appreciate that move.
Yes BO was a fight she couldn't win and and was fpolish to start. But ego is hard to control. Bill managed to do it but he is a lot smarter.
DNC can't warm up to Bernie because their money says it cant. They want a comfortably bought and paid for Joe.
Similar with the GOP. They are frustrated by a Trump who literally doesn't need their money.
I'm loving how the status quo is being smacked around. Most refreshing. Maybe this is the death knell of the 2 party system. We can only hope.
Yes BO was a fight she couldn't win and and was fpolish to start. But ego is hard to control. Bill managed to do it but he is a lot smarter.
DNC can't warm up to Bernie because their money says it cant. They want a comfortably bought and paid for Joe.
Similar with the GOP. They are frustrated by a Trump who literally doesn't need their money.
I'm loving how the status quo is being smacked around. Most refreshing. Maybe this is the death knell of the 2 party system. We can only hope.[/QUOTE]
It would definitely be refreshing, as long as we don't replace a "bad" with a "worse". I am having a helluva time trying to picture what a new party could represent, without it just being a bastardized version of what we have now.
Maybe this is the death knell of the 2 party system. We can only hope.
It no doubt is great to see Trump, despite all odds, perform better than the candidates the GOP would have preferred [the likes of Jeb Bush for example].

The one thing that always made a difference in campaigns is the money the candidate had [to spend]. Crowdfunding can level the playing field. So yeah, I do agree, we're getting closer to that time when the two party system will no longer exist. A time when a candidate from a minor party can win an election.
While the time of two party politics night be coming to an end, I wouldn't say that it's going to happen anytime soon though. Money IS a major, if not THE most important factor when it comes to running a campaign, and even more so if that campaign is going to be a successful one.

That's why while I do see a rise in competition to get to the Whitehouse, I have a feeling that the president will be coming out of the usual two for a long time yet to come.
I don't think Bidden is ready to be president. I think he's too behind the scenes and not really outspoken like a lot of politicians. He's a likable person, but that's not really the best reason to be president. He's not even going to be in the democratic debate on CNN, so nope. I don't think he'll make a great choice for president.
He's been in training for 6+years. He's the most qualified guy the dems have.

And lets face it, likeable is a characteristic sadly lacking on the l eft.
I don't think he would win if he ran. He's too quiet to be president. He makes a good vice president. He's a great supporter. I just can't see him being a great leader like that. Don't get me wrong, I love him as a person, but as a president? I don't know.
I don't think he would win if he ran. He's too quiet to be president. He makes a good vice president. He's a great supporter. I just can't see him being a great leader like that. Don't get me wrong, I love him as a person, but as a president? I don't know.
Not smart enough but that didn't slow BO down that much.
The time for speculating is done. Apparently after waiting too long for Clinton to lose her momentum and had to witness how well she performed in the Debate, Biden knew a white house bid would end up being [embarrassingly] painful for him.

Vice President Joe Biden ended months of intense speculation about his political future on Wednesday with a sudden announcement that he wouldn't seek the presidency, abandoning a dream he's harbored for decades and putting Hillary Clinton in a stronger position to capture the Democratic nomination.
He knows she won't be available to run and can sweep into the convention to be drafted without the bother of an expensive primary fight.
Not smart enough but that didn't slow BO down that much.
Or Bush for that matter. I swear that man is two points away from being committed. But Biden already has said he's not running, and I think that he has to do what is best for him and his family at this time.
Or Bush for that matter. I swear that man is two points away from being committed. But Biden already has said he's not running, and I think that he has to do what is best for him and his family at this time.
No he's not running.
Doesn't mean he won't be the candidate though.
Re Bush,.we know what his academic record is. We don't for BO.