Who rightly owns the land of Judea, the Jews or the Palestinians?

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
The Jews were given the land by God more than 4,000 years ago for a perpetual inheritance, but they have not remained the sole possessors of the land from that time until now. Nevertheless, the nations that drove the Jews off their property did not negate God's decree that the property still perpetually belongs to the Jews. Kings of other nations in the ancient past have restored the land to the Jews, although later kings drove the Jews off the land again.

In more modern times the world governing body of nations restored a portion of the land to the Jews again in the Balfour Declaration. The Palestinians resented that fact and refused to allow the Jews to return to their homeland, choosing to go to war with Israel instead and losing, securing even more land for the Jews. Jews bought their land from Arabs and other nomadic tribes over the last few centuries, and Jews fought for their right to own the land against enemies desiring to illegally take their land away from them.

The conclusion is that the Jews own the property, and the Palestinians are squatters on the land owned by the Jews.
The Jews were given the land by God.
Wrong again. That land exist for billions of years before your silly god. Grow up.
more than 4,000 years ago for a perpetual inheritance, but they have not remained the sole possessors of the land from that time until now. Nevertheless, the nations that drove the Jews off their property did not negate God's decree.
He might have decree it but that is worthless. He had no deeds to it. Decreed it my foot.
that the property still perpetually belongs to the Jews. Kings of other nations in the ancient past have restored the land to the Jews, although later kings drove the Jews off the land again.

In more modern times the world governing body of nations restored a portion of the land to the Jews again in the Balfour Declaration. The Palestinians resented that fact and refused to allow the Jews to return to their homeland, choosing to go to war with Israel instead and losing, securing even more land for the Jews. Jews bought their land from Arabs and other nomadic tribes over the last few centuries, and Jews fought for their right to own the land against enemies desiring to illegally take their land away from them.

The conclusion is that the Jews own the property, and the Palestinians are squatters on the land owned by the Jews.

Are you trying to prove a point or something or reminding us again of this silly god rubbish.
You know Boris mother nature who or what ever that really is may be the true god , many American Indian tribes had beliefs along those liens as did the ancient celts
who rightfully owns any land is a better questions.to ponder. Power in the form of military and wealth seem to top the chart but in the end and start were they even a consideration .
The Jews were given the land by God more than 4,000 years ago for a perpetual inheritance, but they have not remained the sole possessors of the land from that time until now. Nevertheless, the nations that drove the Jews off their property did not negate God's decree that the property still perpetually belongs to the Jews. Kings of other nations in the ancient past have restored the land to the Jews, although later kings drove the Jews off the land again.

In more modern times the world governing body of nations restored a portion of the land to the Jews again in the Balfour Declaration. The Palestinians resented that fact and refused to allow the Jews to return to their homeland, choosing to go to war with Israel instead and losing, securing even more land for the Jews. Jews bought their land from Arabs and other nomadic tribes over the last few centuries, and Jews fought for their right to own the land against enemies desiring to illegally take their land away from them.

The conclusion is that the Jews own the property, and the Palestinians are squatters on the land owned by the Jews.

god better show up and prove he owned it first then.
civilized men of god? you mean like the "civilized men of god" who stole it from natives? lol
How ever you want to mr Eichmann you know where it was going .early man probably had one or more gods especially between homo and neanderthals species
By the way mr Eichmann history teaches us the first people to own land toom it from who ?
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