Where to from here.

Boris Norris

Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2022
There's little doubt Jack Smith has the goods in Trump regardless of his blustering of innocence.
If he is found guilty on one of those serious charges, it's years in the cooler for Donny.

According to sources it is suspected and promoted that would trigger a civil war. Even his exclusion from the ballot could possibly do the same.

There must come a time when even the ratbag right must admit the law run it's course and Trump went down, he was guilty, he conned half the nation and should be in prison. They wouldn't object if it were a Democrat. That raises the question will they go to war over their political beliefs which were proven beyond doubt were false. Are they prepared to sacrifice a nation for Trump. Putting Trump in jail would stop him from running under section 3 of the 14th amendment but would do nothing to stop the war.

The country could be plunged into Marshall Law because of one side refusing to admit they were wrong and let's not doubt that it could happen when you examine the mindless thugs on j6 who really thought they were saving the country.

It would be a tragedy for the country and its unity if this whole thing doesn't take a cold shower and settle down to reality. The inflammatory babble from Trump and his minions continues to stoke the fire which must eventually be extinguished.
Perhaps Marshall Law and bloodshed is the only way. But returning to the origin of the problem, all because a fascist bully conned so many people to follow him and lead us to here.
There's little doubt Jack Smith has the goods in Trump regardless of his blustering of innocence.
If he is found guilty on one of those serious charges, it's years in the cooler for Donny.

According to sources it is suspected and promoted that would trigger a civil war.


....Kinda like that throng, of Trump-supporters, that required another Trump caravan, to hold all them back....on his way to his mug-shot appointment????
There's little doubt Jack Smith has the goods in Trump regardless of his blustering of innocence.
If he is found guilty on one of those serious charges, it's years in the cooler for Donny.

According to sources it is suspected and promoted that would trigger a civil war. Even his exclusion from the ballot could possibly do the same.

There must come a time when even the ratbag right must admit the law run it's course and Trump went down, he was guilty, he conned half the nation and should be in prison. They wouldn't object if it were a Democrat. That raises the question will they go to war over their political beliefs which were proven beyond doubt were false. Are they prepared to sacrifice a nation for Trump. Putting Trump in jail would stop him from running under section 3 of the 14th amendment but would do nothing to stop the war.

The country could be plunged into Marshall Law because of one side refusing to admit they were wrong and let's not doubt that it could happen when you examine the mindless thugs on j6 who really thought they were saving the country.

It would be a tragedy for the country and its unity if this whole thing doesn't take a cold shower and settle down to reality. The inflammatory babble from Trump and his minions continues to stoke the fire which must eventually be extinguished.
Perhaps Marshall Law and bloodshed is the only way. But returning to the origin of the problem, all because a fascist bully conned so many people to follow him and lead us to here.
It is more likely civil war will break out if Biden is charged for his crimes than if Trump is falsely convicted for make-believe political crimes.
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"Got 'cher Civil War right here!!!"
Everyday mark is arguing himself into a corner. He cannot and will not accept Trump is the worst POTUS ever elected and his current charges are proof of it. But no, like a fake Christian he is, he will follow the Messiah to the very end.
But it won't end there. When Trump is in jail he will be bellowing about political prisoners. You can bet on that.