What The ‘Gay Marriage’ Debate Is Really About

to me If gays want a legal binding that's fine but a Christian ceremony performed by a priest is generally not apocopate due to religious beliefs as Christian generally do not approve of gay marriage. That is not a right but a privilege.
Its that simple they can have a legal binding. The issue is they want more and want to MAKE people do things against their will and ethics by trying to force priests to perform a religious ceremony.
Liberals love to force people to think like them .

i know plenty of christians who approve of gay marriage in their churches.

Today, majorities of all but two key subgroups -- Republicans (49%) and weekly churchgoers (41%) -- say gay marriages should be legally recognized

so 41% of weekly churchgoers approve, and there are many more Christians beyond that

who is trying to make priests perform a religious ceremony. name names.
i know plenty of christians who approve of gay marriage in their churches.

Today, majorities of all but two key subgroups -- Republicans (49%) and weekly churchgoers (41%) -- say gay marriages should be legally recognized

so 41% of weekly churchgoers approve, and there are many more Christians beyond that

who is trying to make priests perform a religious ceremony. name names.
Really you do name them and what churches they go to .
In spite of widespread ignorance ignorance of the facts, the bill was unacceptable for its plan to spend billions more in government money on leftist interests without including any workable plan to actually close the US border to illegal immigration.
The current bill is to spend billions in a wall. Is that for democrats interests also. How would Biden benefit from that?
i know plenty of christians who approve of gay marriage in their churches.

Today, majorities of all but two key subgroups -- Republicans (49%) and weekly churchgoers (41%) -- say gay marriages should be legally recognized

so 41% of weekly churchgoers approve, and there are many more Christians beyond that

who is trying to make priests perform a religious ceremony. name names.

I did a search on church forced to marry gay couple. A lot of articles came up but none of them were about any church or priest or reverend forced to marry a gay couple.

It has never happened.

I find it cowardly and dishonest to bring up something that has never happened and will never happen.

The gay couple only wants to get married. Not get a big hassle. The last thing they would do is go to a place and people they know will not marry them. Also, the law allows any religious faith to have the right to not marry gay couples.

It's the same type of lie they use with pro choice. They claim abortion happens at or even after birth. Anyone with a working brain cell knows how absurd that statement is but the forced birthers still spout that lie.

Just as the anti LGBT people spout that lie about forcing churches to marry gay people.

They had to abandon their claim that gay marriage will ruin heterosexual marriage so they went on to a new lie.
Really you do name them and what churches they go to .
I posted a poll showing 41 percent were fine with it, moron

Founded in 1957 with the joining of the General Council of Congregational Christian Churches and the Evangelical and Reformed Church, the United Church of Christ (UCC) is recognized as one of the most welcoming and affirming Christian denominations, celebrating same-sex marriages since 2005 and ordaining LGBTQ+ pastors since 1972. Numbering more than 5,000 churches and close to a million members, the UCC core values include an “Extravagant Welcome,” and the affirmation, “No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here.”

One example
I posted a poll showing 41 percent were fine with it, moron

Founded in 1957 with the joining of the General Council of Congregational Christian Churches and the Evangelical and Reformed Church, the United Church of Christ (UCC) is recognized as one of the most welcoming and affirming Christian denominations, celebrating same-sex marriages since 2005 and ordaining LGBTQ+ pastors since 1972. Numbering more than 5,000 churches and close to a million members, the UCC core values include an “Extravagant Welcome,” and the affirmation, “No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here.”

One example
name them and what churches they go to as you alway want names well post them lug nut .
$1 percent gee that leaves 59 percent and the poll talked about homosexual sex or religious marriage to different things lug nut .
YOU always support the perverted the radical Muslim the illegal alien and the criminal .
I posted a poll showing 41 percent were fine with it, moron

Founded in 1957 with the joining of the General Council of Congregational Christian Churches and the Evangelical and Reformed Church, the United Church of Christ (UCC) is recognized as one of the most welcoming and affirming Christian denominations, celebrating same-sex marriages since 2005 and ordaining LGBTQ+ pastors since 1972. Numbering more than 5,000 churches and close to a million members, the UCC core values include an “Extravagant Welcome,” and the affirmation, “No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here.”

One example

I can't name specific people. I can name many christian churches.

The mormon church:

The Methodist Church:

The Evangelical Lutheran Church, The Episcopal Church and The United Church of Christ:

I posted a poll showing 41 percent were fine with it, moron

Founded in 1957 with the joining of the General Council of Congregational Christian Churches and the Evangelical and Reformed Church, the United Church of Christ (UCC) is recognized as one of the most welcoming and affirming Christian denominations, celebrating same-sex marriages since 2005 and ordaining LGBTQ+ pastors since 1972. Numbering more than 5,000 churches and close to a million members, the UCC core values include an “Extravagant Welcome,” and the affirmation, “No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here.”

One example
God does not honor church disagreements with His Word.
I can't name specific people. I can name many christian churches.

The mormon church:

The Methodist Church:

The Evangelical Lutheran Church, The Episcopal Church and The United Church of Christ:

God condemns sodomy, sexual immorality, and sexual perversion. To hell with the alternate opinions of churches.
name them and what churches they go to as you alway want names well post them lug nut .
$1 percent gee that leaves 59 percent and the poll talked about homosexual sex or religious marriage to different things lug nut .
YOU always support the perverted the radical Muslim the illegal alien and the criminal .
You said Christians generally don't support gay marriage yet 41 percent do that's a big percentage

I even posted a whole denomination officially supports it, ucc. Their website will list their churches
The Supreme Court has ruled that marriage is a right between two consulting adults.

It is the CHRISTIANS that locked up gays in prison and mental institutions for generations.

THEY are the ones that claim to have the only true religion that everyone should follow.

LBTGQ people do not have any difficulty finding a church person to marry them.
No doubt you'll show the details.
Leftists stupidly claim republicans argued against the bill in support of Trump. Not a single lawmaker cited Trump in opposing arguments against the bill. The Trump lie is a typical dirty dfemocrat tactic that ignorant democrat supporters eat up like hog slop. Let's examine facts instead of yielding to dishonest hype:

https://www.statesman.com/story/new...ted-cruz-against-bipartisan-deal/72510545007/ 2-7-24

'Not ‘no,’ this is ‘not now': Texas GOP congressional delegation stands against border bill
Maria Recio

Special to the American-Statesman

WASHINGTON — Texas Republican lawmakers in Congress, who represent a state with the most to win from a hard-nosed U.S. border package, stood firmly against a bipartisan deal that was blocked Wednesday by a 50-49 Senate vote and left on life support in a pivotal procedural decision. ...

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, who as a high-profile border state senator had been monitoring the monthslong negotiations, voted against the bill, as did U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. Both Texas senators have endorsed Trump for president.

“This proposal is not what the country needs, wants or deserves,” Cornyn said Tuesday in a speech on the Senate floor.

“The biggest concern I have is the parole powers that — to release people in the interior — has been unchanged in the bill,” he told reporters. The bill does not restrict the Biden administration’s humanitarian parole policy, which has become a lightning rod for criticism from the right for letting in large numbers of migrants from a few select countries.

“It’s going to continue to be a huge magnet for mass migration, so it doesn't really solve the problem,
” said Cornyn.

He said of Wednesday’s vote, "This is not ‘no’; this is ‘not now,’" adding that senators should go back to the drawing board. “We need a major policy shift, not a fig leaf,” Cornyn said. ...

"The Senate border deal is a failure on two fronts,” Cruz said on X, formerly Twitter. “It codifies catch and release, gives billions to NGOs, and normalizes 1.8M illegal aliens yearly. ...

Cruz said, “There is a 0% chance this failed border bill will pass the House. It effectively normalizes 5,000 illegal aliens crossing the border per day — more than 1.8 million per year. This is not a real solution. It is all about political messaging.” ...

U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin, who as a member of the House Committee on Homeland Security has helped lead an impeachment effort against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the border crisis, said on Fox News’ Varney & Co.: “The Republicans in the House believe the president has enough executive authority to change the situation overnight (and) return to the policies of the prior administration — Trump — that were working, like 'Remain in Mexico.' That’s not in this bill.” ...

U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, R-Hays County, who has been one of the loudest voices in Congress agitating for border controls, said: “The Senate’s bill is an open-borders bargain — not border security. This bill is an endorsement of the status quo and Biden’s border chaos so they can give Ukraine another blank check.” ...

Echoing his GOP colleagues, U.S. Rep. John Carter, R-Round Rock, said: "It's a bad deal. The House has already passed a strong border security bill in H.R. 2, but the Senate has ignored it and instead put forward something that normalizes the chaos Biden has caused at the border. We need to secure the border, and the Senate bill isn't how we do it."

U.S. Rep. Roger Williams, R-Willow Park, described the bill as a “raw deal" and said it was “amnesty for those who can get here first and fast and leaves our border wide open.”

“It shouldn’t receive one vote in the American Congress,” Williams said. “I will do everything I can to see it doesn’t pass.”