Walking the walk.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2012
So yeah I took a little hiatus for the last couple of weeks and went around the DFW area spreading the word about Gary Johnson and meeting fellow libertarians along the way. It's one thing to come on these forums and talk the talk but it's another when you put into practice what you preach. So with that being said don't forget to vote and I already voted and it felt good to vote the straight libertarian ticket here in good ole Texas. ;) Btw prayers go out to all those effected by Sandy and well looks like Obama might get this thing handed to him after all. Yeah it breaks my heart too but how can anyone and I mean anyone go up against him and Sandy and make an impact on election day?!? He's one lucky SOB I tell yea...Anyhoot. Don't forget to early vote and also don't forget to vote on election day. And I'll say it now. Don't blame me I voted for Gary Johnson. LIVE FREE!!!
I'm glad to hear you took your message to the populace.

Rahm Emanuel said it, never let a crisis go to waste. But I'm pleased that the Romney Tsunami has maintained momentum. Its still close but less close than before the media had no choice but to let the voting public get a good long look at Romney & Ryan.
I don't pay rahm emanuel any mind. Yeah spreading the word is a little more challenging then just talking about it on political forums.
I don't pay rahm emanuel any mind. Yeah spreading the word is a little more challenging then just talking about it on political forums.

can be, more rewarding as well. did a bunch of that in my younger days. fun wtching lightbulbs illuminating over people's heads.