Unprecedented tornado outbreak of December 10–11, 2021


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. A devastating, disorienting scene has been left in the wake of a powerful tornado outbreak across six states on Friday night. Dozens of people have been killed and nearly 100 more remain unaccounted for.

Entire towns were reduced to rubble and twisted wreckage, unrecognizable to those who lived there. Recovery efforts will go on “for years,” said one public official in Kentucky.

The tornadoes were part of a powerful storm system that tore across Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee. At least 37 twisters were reported including a monster in Kentucky which traveled a potentially record-breaking 227 miles on the ground.

It’s another extreme weather event rounding out a year repeatedly described as “unprecedented” - even as meaning drains from that word amid a calendar packed with deadly wildfires, heatwaves, hurricanes, flash-flooding and prolonged drought.

It’s too soon to fully explain the role that global warming played in the tornado outbreak, scientists say....

Dr Jennifer Marlon, a climate scientist from the Yale School of the Environment, told CNN on Monday that the connections are “complicated” but that weather events are becoming more severe and more extreme.

She later tweeted that the tornado event was “not just unusual- it was truly historic and deeply shocking”.

“I fear we are poking the climate beast,” she added....

Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/kentucky-tornadoes-2021-global-warming-b1975195.html?src=rss

2. Besides committing war crimes in global armed conflicts since its independence in 1776, the US had committed genocide against Native Americans and discriminated against other ethnic minorities. If the unprecedented tornado outbreak occurred in the Holy Land during the biblical period of 2000 BC to 1675 BC, the disaster would certainly be recorded in the Old Testament as God's punishment for the sins of mankind.

The two-faced gas-emitting White House incumbent blamed the recent unprecedented tornado outbreak in multiple states on climate change. However, the question is: Why did the unusual weather event occur on such a massive scale only in the US? Over 1,200 tornadoes strike the US each year. That is four times as many twisters in all other countries combined.

3. ...Americans, or at least just right wing retards claiming to represent America or its people, like advertise America as “God’s Country” (granted, though, I’m pretty sure this happens in lots of countries), act like “God” is on the side of America, and act like Americans are “God”‘s chosen people....

Source: https://mythoughtsbornfromfire.wordpress.com/2013/11/07/america-israel-and-gods-chosen-people/

4. Isaiah 55:8-9

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Source: https://www.openbible.info/topics/the_lord_works_in_mysterious_ways

5. There is a Chinese saying 人算不如天算 which literally means that "Man can never match Heaven in calculation." Roughly translated, it means that "Man has a plan, but Nature (or whatever we call it) has its own plan instead."

If America is truly “God’s Country”, why is it regularly battered by tornadoes, wildfires, heatwaves, hurricanes and flooding? Maybe the self-declared "Messiah" "huge mushroom head" ex-president could find out the thoughts of his Heavenly Father one fine day. 😇

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