UK Prime Minister Debate Cancelled After Presenter Faints On-Air


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. A live debate between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, two British politicians vying for the open Prime Minister position, was canceled Tuesday after the debate’s presenter fainted on-air.

Truss was in the middle of responding to a question when presenter and TalkTV political editor Kate McCann fainted and loudly crashed to the floor off camera. The incident was caught on TalkTV and happened 30 minutes into the debate, when Truss and Sunak were answering questions from members of the public.

Truss was visibly shaken watching McCann faint. “Oh my god,” she says as McCann faints, then walked off camera to assist her,...

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2. The two remaining candidates vying to succeed Boris Johnson as British prime minister have pledged a tougher stance on China.

Former Chancellor Rishi Sunak, who quit the government earlier this month, and the current Foreign Secretary Liz Truss are competing to take over from Boris Johnson, who announced his resignation as prime minister earlier this month following a series of scandals and ministerial resignations.

While taxation and inflation are the focus of domestic campaigning, policy towards China has dominated foreign policy.

In a recent televised debate, Truss said she would crack down on Chinese-owned companies like TikTok....

Her rival Rishi Sunak called China the ‘number-one threat’ to domestic and global security....

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3. The live debate between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak was definitely the most exciting to date, so much so that the debate’s moderator found the excitement hard to stomach that she fainted halfway in the debate. The laughable way in which Liz Truss reacted to the abrupt incident showed that she is not destined for any greatness. How will she react if Russian troops mass on the opposite side of the English Channel one fine day? It won't be surprising that she will scamper off like a rat into a hole.

While the people across the country are suffering under the intense heatwave and record inflation, besides coping with the massive traffic jams outside the UK port of Dover, the two final contenders try to divert their attention from their immediate problems by talking as though Chinese forces are massing on the opposite side of the English Channel.

As the debate continues, it won't be surprising that the candidates will claim that Chinese troops may have a free dinner at the Buckingham Palace before burning it down in the future just as the redcoats enjoyed a free dinner at the White House before setting it ablaze on August 24, 1814.

How can a country that situates almost on the opposite side of the globe pose a threat to the UK? The UK candidates might as well claim that Satan represents the largest threat to Britain and the world’s security and prosperity this century.

P.S. However, I can't help praising the contenders for not resorting to racist attacks on their rivals, unlike the self-declared "Messiah" ex-US president who did not hesitate to launch racist attacks against his opponents.

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