Trump caught out again.

Ok we'll disregard all those charges. What a stupid statement. You complain about crooked democrats but agree to not having courts making a decision for your Messiah.
Oh man, the 12 year old media fed turd speaks again.
Oh man, the 12 year old media fed turd speaks again.

All you need to convict the innocent man is a 51% majority of human and civil rights denying leftist liberals to impeach or convict Trump on bogus charges.
You were bellowing about missing logs from voting machines etc. Well, now we find Trump's personal phone has had data concealed or missing for 7 hours in j6.
So let's not have any more of this one sided shit you've been belching.
I said before, Smith will nail the bastard with hard evidence. Trump has no brains and won't keep his mouth shut. Enjoy.

Ok we'll disregard all those charges. What a stupid statement. You complain about crooked democrats but agree to not having courts making a decision for your Messiah.
Liberals complain about cops being crooked but don's see any problem with the black cops in DC killing two unarmed white women on Jan 6. Liberals claim many who are convicted of a crime and sent to jail are innocent and were convicted by biased prosecutors and juries, yet they believed Trump was guilty of lots of crimes before they had even fashioned one crime against him by twisting facts and hiding other facts in order to get an indictment.
You were bellowing about missing logs from voting machines etc. Well, now we find Trump's personal phone has had data concealed or missing for 7 hours in j6.
So let's not have any more of this one sided shit you've been belching.
I said before, Smith will nail the bastard with hard evidence. Trump has no brains and won't keep his mouth shut. Enjoy.

Trump's phone may be missing data, 17 minutes of Nixon's tapes may be missing, 17 phones and devices may have been smashed by the Hillary camp and hundreds of hours of her texts and data may be missing or destroyed, but that has nothing to do with clear election fraud.
Trump's phone may be missing data, 17 minutes of Nixon's tapes may be missing, 17 phones and devices may have been smashed by the Hillary camp and hundreds of hours of her texts and data may be missing or destroyed, but that has nothing to do with clear election fraud.
Trump is going to jail.
Liberals complain about cops being crooked but don's see any problem with the black cops in DC killing two unarmed white women on Jan 6.

Good. It's a shame they didn't shoot 1000 more
Liberals claim many who are convicted of a crime and sent to jail are innocent and were convicted by biased prosecutors and juries, yet they believed Trump was guilty of lots of crimes before they had even fashioned one crime against him by twisting facts and hiding other facts in order to get an indictment.
Well, now we find Trump's personal phone has had data concealed or missing for 7 hours in j6.
No you have not found anything. You "found" what the TV told you.
Ok we'll disregard all those charges. What a stupid statement. You complain about crooked democrats but agree to not having courts making a decision for your Messiah.
Why do you ignore the fact the charges are bogus? Oh wait...tds.
Rubbish. You wish. It will come to nothing.
I don't want Hunter to go to jail. I just want our government to start administrating just and right judgment instead of the leftist political crap perversion of justice Democrats have forced on us in the last few years.
I don't want Hunter to go to jail. I just want our government to start administrating just and right judgment instead of the leftist political crap perversion of justice Democrats have forced on us in the last few years.
Rubbish. What you really mean is you're believing Trump's propaganda about Marxists and destroying the country.
Exactly what if great consequence was forced on the godbotherers?
Rubbish. What you really mean is you're believing Trump's propaganda about Marxists and destroying the country.
Exactly what if great consequence was forced on the godbotherers?
Really stupid people believe Americans don't know or believe anything that Trump does not tell or teach them to believe. It may be true that ignorant leftist masses depend on their lying looting leftist leaders to tell them what to think and how to act, but conservatives did not get their conservatism from Trump. Trump got his conservatism from American conservatives.