

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
Somewhere Nice
1. The Left is not interested in economic growth, as the Right is. The Left is interested in redistributing wealth.
2. The liberal welfare state makes people disdain work.
3. The bigger the government, the less the citizens do for one another.
4. The Leftist worldview sees society's and the world's great battle as between rich and poor rather than between good and evil. Equality therefore TRUMPS morality.

I think those are absolute truisms. Don't you?
1. the left is interested in growth so long as it benefits the right people (themselves)
2. yes and as has been shown, renders work obsolete
3. no argument there
4. hmmmm... I think the left believes itself smarter and therefore superior to the rest and so should wield all power and domain. Now if this seems little different than others who made themselves superior by exercise of force to wield power and dominion its only difference is that the latter requires skill and effort to obtain that fear. Karl was apparently a lover and not a fighter. Once the groundwork was laid it was easy to revert ala Stalin.

in the end its about nothing but power/control/money. about a few more TRUISMS to brighten your goes and please feel free to comment...:D

1. The problem for the Left, is that the moment it stops painting the Right as vile, it has to argue the issues. And, they know they can't win the argument.
2. Compassion to a liberal is taking other people's money and giving it to the poor
3 Logic and Liberalism are incompatible.

And my favorite of ALL TIME...Liberalism IS A MENTAL DISORDER.

Have a wonderful Friday and a fantastic weekend...everybody...even you wonderful Libs...what would I do without you???:)
Here is a good one!

Leftists have no problem with ridiculing and ignoring Christians, white men, gun owners, and conservatives while bending over backwards to assist and commend Muslims, atheists, minorities of all stripes (excepting Jews), and anyone who is a radical leftist.
If you're a bunch of filthy unemployed druggie anarchists breaking windows or forming Occupy Wall Street then you're "Speaking Truth To Power".

If you're hard-working, tax-paying, play-by-the-rules average Americans who form the Tea Party to protest Big Govt then you're "An Angry Racist Mob".
If you're a bunch of filthy unemployed druggie anarchists breaking windows or forming Occupy Wall Street then you're "Speaking Truth To Power".

If you're hard-working, tax-paying, play-by-the-rules average Americans who form the Tea Party to protest Big Govt then you're "An Angry Racist Mob".

Im a Tea Party person. YES!!! Im in the Mafia

You will not disrespect us. And you will show respect toward us.
Here is a good one!

Leftists have no problem with ridiculing and ignoring Christians, white men, gun owners, and conservatives while bending over backwards to assist and commend Muslims, atheists, minorities of all stripes (excepting Jews), and anyone who is a radical leftist.
Being Left in Politics does not make ridicule and ignore Christians. I am left in politics but still a Christian.
Being Left in Politics does not make ridicule and ignore Christians. I am left in politics but still a Christian.

True enough, but in American politics, many on the Left do ridicule and marginalize Christians. They would never do this to Muslims.

Another HYPOCRISY of the Left.
  • If you believe that your choice of a car affects the planet's climate while sunspot activity doesn't, you are a liberal.
  • If you are notoriously stingy with personal charitable giving but deliriously generous with other people's money while proudly posing as the true benefactor of the poor, you are a liberal.
  • If you believe that human nature is infinitely malleable and that nurture easily trumps nature, you are a liberal.
  • If you believe that your women's studies degree is superior to a Ph.D. in engineering, you are a liberal.
  • If you believe that the anarchists, hoodlums, and hobos who make up the Occupy movement are noble idealists who truly represent the 99 percent of America while the Tea Partiers are Nazi troglodytes and of course racists, you are a liberal.

Read more:
These are canards spread by the right. Things a re not so simple. Conservatives claim to want "equality of opportunity", not equality of outcome .
Yet they support, vote for and foster disastrous social and economic policies which DESTROY equality of opportunity .
Conservatives always blame the victims, and accuse people on welfare and those out of work of being lazy bums who want the
government to support them in style throughout life while stealing hard-earned money from honest, hard-working citizens and
"redistributing wealth".
I hsve news for them. Republican presidents and their administrations have been redistributing wealth for ages now.
But they do it as reverse Robin Hoods, taking from the middle class and the poor to make the rich even richer.
But the vast majority of Americans are NOT lazy bums who don't want to work and expect the government to provide eveything for them .
In these appallingly tough economic times, so many honest hard-working people are out of work through no fault of their own, including many with conservative views, and so many are still working but having a terribly difficult time making ends meet .
The republican's ridiculously simplistic mantra about just keeping on reducing taxes and giving all the tax breaks to the wealth to supposedly create lots of jobs and create general prosperity are false. Prosperity does not "trickle down". It never has and never will .
Democratic economic policies are far from perfect, but those of the republicans are infinitely wore, vote forr. They are disastrously counterproductive for society as a whole, and only benefit a tiny handful of the most wealthy.
Dergulating business sounds fine in theory, but there has to be some regulation, or business and industry would be free to exploit and harm the public with dangerous products and to despoil the enviroment with impunity .
I've nver been a marxist or communist and have never supported these evils. But the exact opposite of communism, where there is total laiisez-faire capitalism ,no safety net for the unfortunate and a dog-eat-dog, ruthless societywhere those who are down on their luck are screwed is no better .
There has to be a middle way between these two extremes.
These are canards spread by the right. Things a re not so simple. Conservatives claim to want "equality of opportunity", not equality of outcome .
Yet they support, vote for and foster disastrous social and economic policies which DESTROY equality of opportunity .
Conservatives always blame the victims, and accuse people on welfare and those out of work of being lazy bums who want the
government to support them in style throughout life while stealing hard-earned money from honest, hard-working citizens and
"redistributing wealth".
I hsve news for them. Republican presidents and their administrations have been redistributing wealth for ages now.
But they do it as reverse Robin Hoods, taking from the middle class and the poor to make the rich even richer.
But the vast majority of Americans are NOT lazy bums who don't want to work and expect the government to provide eveything for them .
In these appallingly tough economic times, so many honest hard-working people are out of work through no fault of their own, including many with conservative views, and so many are still working but having a terribly difficult time making ends meet .
The republican's ridiculously simplistic mantra about just keeping on reducing taxes and giving all the tax breaks to the wealth to supposedly create lots of jobs and create general prosperity are false. Prosperity does not "trickle down". It never has and never will .
Democratic economic policies are far from perfect, but those of the republicans are infinitely wore, vote forr. They are disastrously counterproductive for society as a whole, and only benefit a tiny handful of the most wealthy.
Dergulating business sounds fine in theory, but there has to be some regulation, or business and industry would be free to exploit and harm the public with dangerous products and to despoil the enviroment with impunity .
I've nver been a marxist or communist and have never supported these evils. But the exact opposite of communism, where there is total laiisez-faire capitalism ,no safety net for the unfortunate and a dog-eat-dog, ruthless societywhere those who are down on their luck are screwed is no better .
There has to be a middle way between these two extremes.

Now that is a canard of the Left...and complete foolishness.

Please name one conservative...just one...who espouses the crap you just posted? Just one...

And bring up laissez-faire capitalism....Too funny....if you think the USA is or has been operating such an economy, you really are badly misinformed. No safety net?????...toooooo funny....can you name ONE politician anywhere in the USA who is proposing elimination of the safety net?????? Just one???????

Is it true that you believe cutting the size of government would be disastrous? Do you think the current structure of entitlements, which are bankrupting the nation, should continue as is and NEVER reformed? Do you believe (as do many lefties) that raising taxes on the rich will fix our deficit and debt problems?

Stop believing the lies the left media tells you and get informed.
In fact, there are many conservatives who want ot destroy, or at least greatly weaken the safety net. Just about the entire repugnican
party wants to. They have this loaded term called "entitlements", implying that poor people or those down on their luck want the government to provide everything for them and that htey don't want to work.
If the repugnican party got its way, it would be disastrous for many innocent Americans, including children.
If Romney wins, he will no doubt greatly decrease government help for young people who want to get college, graduate,law or medical degrees, which will just be shooting America in the leg. We need well-educated people in th e fields of medicine and science badly in order to remain competitive in the world . Providing more funding for young people to get good educations is GOOD for America. Without it,
many talented and hard-working young people will not get the chance to make great contribiutions to America and the world.
I'm convinced that Romeny, even though he means well, will cave in to the right-wing extremists and do an enormous amount of harm to America. '
It's very bad for America to have so many people stuck indefinitely on welfare . But we will never be able to do something about this problem unless the government makes it possible for them to find jobs which pay enough for them to become solid citizens .
But repugnicans always blame the victims, and offer absolutely no solution to the problem of welfare other than saying, "Go out an dget jobs,you lazy bums "! If only it were that easy for them to do this !
Despite all the adulation conservatives have for the late Ronald Reagan, h9is presidency actually increased poverty greatly in America.
He had heard wildly exaggerated stories of welfare fraud and unemployed people supposedly living high off the hog through welfare.
Welfare fraud certainly exists , but it's never been that bad . So what did he do? He greatly reduced help for the poor, and many
people suffered greatly because of this.
In fact, there are many conservatives who want ot destroy, or at least greatly weaken the safety net. Just about the entire repugnican
party wants to. They have this loaded term called "entitlements", implying that poor people or those down on their luck want the government to provide everything for them and that htey don't want to work.
If the repugnican party got its way, it would be disastrous for many innocent Americans, including children.
If Romney wins, he will no doubt greatly decrease government help for young people who want to get college, graduate,law or medical degrees, which will just be shooting America in the leg. We need well-educated people in th e fields of medicine and science badly in order to remain competitive in the world . Providing more funding for young people to get good educations is GOOD for America. Without it,
many talented and hard-working young people will not get the chance to make great contribiutions to America and the world.
I'm convinced that Romeny, even though he means well, will cave in to the right-wing extremists and do an enormous amount of harm to America. '
It's very bad for America to have so many people stuck indefinitely on welfare . But we will never be able to do something about this problem unless the government makes it possible for them to find jobs which pay enough for them to become solid citizens .
But repugnicans always blame the victims, and offer absolutely no solution to the problem of welfare other than saying, "Go out an dget jobs,you lazy bums "! If only it were that easy for them to do this !
Despite all the adulation conservatives have for the late Ronald Reagan, h9is presidency actually increased poverty greatly in America.
He had heard wildly exaggerated stories of welfare fraud and unemployed people supposedly living high off the hog through welfare.
Welfare fraud certainly exists , but it's never been that bad . So what did he do? He greatly reduced help for the poor, and many
people suffered greatly because of this.

I agree with your summary. The USA is the most conservative economy in the world yet it brought all the world's Depressions, 1890, 1930 and recently.
The gap between the rich and poor is greater than in most developed countries. Only in the USA do you see beggars in every city. It has the worst health system of any developed country, One of the poorest Education system. Only in countries that have left wing parties can these problems be overcome. The poor need jobs, and education to make a contribution to society. Cutting down government expenditure on these will just make things worst.
I agree with your summary. The USA is the most conservative economy in the world yet it brought all the world's Depressions, 1890, 1930 and recently.
The gap between the rich and poor is greater than in most developed countries. Only in the USA do you see beggars in every city. It has the worst health system of any developed country, One of the poorest Education system. Only in countries that have left wing parties can these problems be overcome. The poor need jobs, and education to make a contribution to society. Cutting down government expenditure on these will just make things worst.

If by magic, we could eliminate the USA from start to finish, as if it never existed, the world would be living in squalor and tyranny, while warming yourselves by the fire....and Aussies would be speaking Japanese will serving their Jap masters. To fail to recognize this, proves how successful leftist group think has been.

You said > Only in the USA do you see beggars in every city > really? Do you not see how ignorant that statement is? I have spent a lot of time in the socialist paradise of Canada and have seen lots of beggars there. Gotcha!!!

Yes our p-school system sucks. But, do you know why? Because of leftism of course. The libs control the p-schools from top to bottom and libs, once in total control of ANYTHING,...destroy it. However, our university system is still the envy of the world in many respects...even though leftists work night and day to turn it into a brainwashing machine.

The USA healthcare system is the best in the world, but very expensive and why? Again all thanks to leftist politicians who impose rules and regulations which raise costs...all in a transparent effort to kill the system and impose shitty government HC. The wealthy of the world still come here for their care because they know it is the best. But, thanks to leftists, we too may suffer under the horrendous failure that is socialized medicine....but gee....its FREEEEEEEE...and a human right.....YIPPEE!!!!

To think that the answer is "left wing parties" is the exact opposite of the SOLUTION. It is left wing parties that are killing the USA. To believe as you do, is proof of how successful the Left has been in brainwashing many.

Orwell's '1984' missed by only a few years.