This is the answer to end irans threat


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South

GOD i hope one day George Bush does do this!!! OPTION #2 Then Bush will be a Hero to american voters When Fred Thompson anounces hes running for president. THIS MAN SHOULD RUN NEXT !!!

Listen If Bush wants to boost his Approval ratings hes gotta do what no president wants to do.Sure Millions of innocent people will die but its gotta be done or IRAN will Nuke us ALL FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH!! If Mr Putin doesnt think Iran will Bomb Russia boy he better think again.Mahmoud Ahmadinejad thinks just like Adolph Hitler. His ideas are the same as Hitlers ideas were. He only wants Iranians Rule the World and Iranians are the only kind of people allowed to eat,sleep and breathe on earth.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad thinks just like Adolph Hitler. His ideas are the same as Hitlers ideas were. He only wants Iranians Rule the World and Iranians are the only kind of people allowed to eat,sleep and breathe on earth.

...and wants to eliminate Jews from the face of the earth.
So what's this got to do with Jeb Bush? The man can't even stand up to his own wife when it comes to a matter as fundamentally simple as immigration policy.
Are you cracked? Not only would you piss off every Iranian in the states and in Canada, let alone across the whole world, you'd piss off every Arab, every Muslim, and anyone that already has angry sentiment toward the US. Of course this would include Russia itself, N. Korea, Venezuela, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, and god knows how many other countries that would hop in. Oh, and Iran would not nuke Russia as the Russians are the most likely contributor to their arsenal. One has to be a complete jackass to think that a nuke will solve the problem.
Cause George W Bush cant get a 3rd term.

Come on. GW Bush is so paralyzed with mealy-mouthed PC nonsense he has to take off his shoes and pray at a mosque every time there's a terrorist attack, and the evidence available suggests his brother is no better. Why him?
Listen I want the War to end in Iraq and start using Nukes. This is the 21st century we dont use tanks and Soldiers anymore.Its all button to button now.

I Want the Stem Cell research used on Tax Dollars

I want Taxes raised on the wealthy not on the middle class.

I want Tax cuts on the Middle Class working familes.

I want the Gas taxes reduced

I Want Death Penalty Extended.

I want more Self Defense Gun laws so we can protect ourselves so we dont have to Depend on the police try to protect us which they cant.

I want Paroles and Probation abolished.

Now What candidate Supports this?