The Scariest Days Of The Trump Presidency Could Be The Final 74


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. WASHINGTON — Americans nervous about a president who wanted troops to shoot border crossers, and who suggested using nuclear weapons against hurricanes, could be facing the scariest days of Donald Trump’s presidency: the final ones.

As intemperate, foolhardy and reckless as many of Trump’s actions have been to date, critics warn that they all took place as Trump faced a referendum from voters. Now, that pending job review has passed.

“He will create as much chaos as humanly possible,” said Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer and fixer who was convicted and sentenced to three years in prison for, in part, arranging illegal hush money payments to keep women from revealing affairs they had had with Trump just prior to the 2016 election......

President-elect Joe Biden is set to assume the office at noon on Jan. 20, but Trump retains all of the powers of the presidency for the 74 remaining days until that moment, including his role as commander in chief of the United States armed forces and the country’s nuclear arsenal.....

“Issue all sorts of executive orders rolling back additional Obama regulations, implement new regulations without proper notice and comment, kneecap and handcuff various agencies, use the levers of power to grease the wheels for his personal financial interests post-presidency,” Goldman said. “And, of course, pardons like you’ve never seen before.”

One of Trump’s possible pardons, of course, could be for himself, to remove the threat of federal prosecution for potential crimes he may have committed, both before taking office (bank and tax fraud) and during these past four years (obstruction of justice, for example). It’s unclear whether he is actually permitted to self-pardon, but Trump has shown he is willing to break guidelines and laws when useful for him.

“No one has tried it before, so no court has considered the issue,” said Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor. “It is an open question, but many people think he can’t, because the pardon clause implies that the person granting the pardon and the person receiving the pardon are different people.”....


2. Who acted irrationally – the con artist who was voted into office, or the voters who voted for him in 2016? It is akin to asking: "Who was crazy -- the fox kept in a coop of chickens, or the farmer who put it inside?"

There is a proverb "Hell has no fury like a woman scorned." Similarly, we may have a new proverb "Hell has no fury like a demented desperado falling from power." :mad:

According to "Trump Revealed", a new biography compiled by Washington Post journalists who spoke to dozens of people who knew Trump as a child, he was a sporting show-off who would smash his baseball bat in fury if he did not win. The final 74 days of the Trump presidency could be scarier than hurricanes against which he suggested using nuclear weapons.

Like smashing his baseball bat in fury after losing a game in his childhood days, the "con man" ex-president may wreck the entire country, together with the economy, in order to make it as ungovernable as possible before passing it to his successor. In addition, he may create as much chaos as humanly possible around the world.

Similarly, it would be too late for the farmer to get the fox out of the coop after realizing his folly. Finding itself cornered in the coop, the desperate fox would vent its anger by killing all the chickens even though it is not hungry.
