The Republicans and Many People


Oct 15, 2013
The Republicans have been against OBama from the start. This is Bias. There is a Group within the Republican Party that are "Closet Racists". They cannot sleep at night knowing there is a Black man in the White House. Many people are like this also. They are still fighting the Civil War. There are Counties in this country that still celebrate Jefferson Davis' birthday. Yes, the President of the Confederecy! These people squirm when they see a Black man kiss a White woman. What Cowards. This country is made up of Different people, like it or lump it. The country is becoming more and more non white and soon the tables will be turned. The Closet Racists don't have the Guts to admit what they are. They are basically afraid of Minorities. Again, Cowards. The racists of the past were openly so. Today they are mostly in the closet. They are fighting a losing battle. The Closet Racists of Society AND within the Republican Party are willing to disrupt the Country because they CANNOT bear a Black man representing America.
You are not wrong

They hate black people and they hate poor people

Which is starting to become the majority in the US

Any black or poor perosn voting for the retardlican party hasn't got a head

Any rich or white person viting for them hasn't got a heart

They behave like they are the masters of a slave plantation 200 years ago

The world has moved on and left these vicious oafs behind