The other candidates


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
There are more candidates standing than the two corporate whores so besotted by the egregious mass media.

First, those with a technical chance of getting elected

"Four other candidates are mathematically eligible to win the election by a majority of the electoral college: former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, the Libertarian nominee;[2] and Jill Stein, the Green Party nominee, have attained ballot access sufficient to qualify for enough electoral votes to mathematically win the presidency.[3] Virgil Goode, the Constitution Party nominee, and Rocky Anderson, the Justice Party nominee, have the combined ballot access and write-in status in enough states to reach 270 electoral votes, the minimum number needed to win the election.[4] These four minor party candidates are widely regarded as having no chance of winning the election, though they are seen by political pundits as potential spoilers for Romney and/or Obama.[5],_2012

and here are all the rest

Unlike the UK, where pop singer Screaming Lord Sutch regularly campaigned on behalf of the Monster Raving Looney Party, non of these parties is an obvious joke Party, though the Democratic and Republican Parties unintentionally fill this role.

Comrade Stalin