The Middle East Powder Keg

Maybe things in the ME would be more stable if we were not always de-stablizing things.

On the other hand maybe they would have gotten their act together and taken us out a long time ago.

maybe we were fools to take out Hussein. On the other hand maybe he had or would have soon had WMD and used them on Israel or us. And if used on Israel would we have gotten in trouble in the ensuing large war?

neither the US nor Israel is the reason the feces are always hitting the fan there.
Maybe things in the ME would be more stable if we were not always de-stablizing things.

On the other hand maybe they would have gotten their act together and taken us out a long time ago.

maybe we were fools to take out Hussein. On the other hand maybe he had or would have soon had WMD and used them on Israel or us. And if used on Israel would we have gotten in trouble in the ensuing large war?

How is it that we are the major destabilizing factor here?